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Registrar Forms

To complete any of these forms, please download the form and save it to your computer first, then fill it out. You may need to use the Print to PDF function to save the form and its content before sending it. If you fill out the form first and then download the form, it will download blank. 

Complete the form and submit it to for processing. (unless school approval is required, noted below)


Please contact the Deans Office for approval:

School of Architecture & Design: Keeran Hariprasad (

School of Management: John Gariepy (

School of Computing & Data Science: @ (

School of Sciences and Humanities: @ (

School of Engineering: Cindy Rosner (


Online Forms:

Academic Reinstatement Form

Academic Reinstatements require the Dean's approval. This form must be submitted to the Dean's Office of the School for approval before being sent to the Registrar’s Office. (30 days before the start of the semester)

Change of Address (International Students)

Change of Major Form - Undergraduate

A change of major requires the Dean's approval. This form must be submitted to the Dean's Office of the School for approval before being sent to the Registrar’s Office.

Change of Program Request - Graduate

A change of program requires the Dean's approval. This form must be submitted to the Dean's Office of the School for approval before being sent to the Registrar’s Office.

Concentration Declaration Form

Co-op Credit Overload Form

Co-op Credit Overload requires both the Dean's approval and your CO-OP advisor's approval. This form must be submitted to the Dean's Office of the School and Co-op Office for approval before being sent to the Registrar’s Office.

Co-op GPA Approval Form

Co-op GPA approval requires the Dean's approval. This form must be submitted to the Dean's Office of the School for approval before being sent to the Registrar’s Office.

Course Substitution Form

Course substitutions require the Dean's approval. This form must be submitted to the Dean's Office of the School for approval before being sent to the Registrar’s Office.

Course Withdrawal Form - Undergraduate

Course Withdrawal Form - Graduate

Credit Overload Form

Credit Overloads require the Dean's approval. This form must be submitted to the Dean's Office of the School for approval before being sent to the Registrar’s Office.

Enrollment/Degree Verification 

FERPA Consent for Virtual Learning Classroom Recordings and Media Release

FERPA Release of Directory Information (completed through LeopardWeb)

Leave of Absence Petition

A leave of absence form is submitted when the student intends to return in a future semester.

Minor Declaration Form

Name, Social Security Number or Date of Birth Change Form

Non-Matriculated Admissions Application

Part-Time Petition Form

This form will be used for undergraduate students who wish to change their enrollment status to part-time. Students should meet with their Success Studio or Faculty Advisor to discuss degree sequencing and with a Financial Aid Counselor to discuss financial aid (if applicable) before submitting this form. Please note that undergraduate students registering for 11 and below credits may not be eligible for housing, financial aid, NCAA, or an F-1 Visa. A change to part-time status may have implications that must be explored before completing this form.

Please consult the following offices before submitting a part-time petition:

  • Office of Financial Aid –
  • Office of Housing –
  • International students: Please contact ISS before submitting a Part-Time Petition Form to discuss the effects part-time status will have on your visa.

Students in COOP-3500 and COOP-4500 for the Spring semester do not need to complete the form.

Petition to Walk at Commencement

Petition to walk at commencement requires the Dean's approval. This form must be submitted to the Dean's Office of the School for approval before being sent to the Registrar’s Office.

Transfer Credit Pre-Approval Form

Transferring credits to Wentworth requires the Dean's approval. This form must be submitted directly to the Dean's Office of the School for approval before being sent to the Registrar’s Office.

Voluntary Withdrawal Petition

This voluntary withdrawal form is submitted when the student decides to leave the University for more than two semesters.