Counseling Services

Counseling Services assists students with their mental health and wellness needs so that they may be successful in their pursuits, both in and out of the classroom. In a safe, confidential, environment students are encouraged to explore issues of concern, gain awareness and insight, and expand skills in efforts to create positive change.
Services are available to all Wentworth students free of charge on a short-term basis as determined by individual need. Counselors are sensitive to issues of age, race, gender, ethnic background, religion, sexual orientation, citizenship and disability.
Counseling Services offers students individualized treatment plans based on a Stepped Care model of support. Our services aim to support students' mental health, wellness, personal, and academic growth.
Schedule an appointment
To begin the process please call 617-989-4390 or come into the Center for Wellness located in Williston Hall 202. We are open Monday to Friday from 8:30am to 4:30pm.
We have Drop-in hours from 11am-12pm and 3pm-4pm. To schedule a brief 15 minute chat with one of our mental health counselors, please click here.
You may be asked to complete some brief paperwork and to have a conversation with a counselor to determine the best plan to support you.

Need Help Now?
You Are Not Alone, You Deserve Support
If you are experiencing a mental health emergency
call Public Safety at 617-989-4444
call 911
go to your local hospital emergency room (Beth Israel Hospital is a good choice if in Boston)
If you need to speak with someone immediately, try one of the following crisis lines
- BeWell@WIT 24/7 counselors by calling 617-989-4390 and selecting option 2
- Samaritans (call or text): 877-870-4673
- 24/7 National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 1-800-273-8255
- Crisis Text Line: Text “HOME” to 741-741 or visit
- Trevor Project (LGBTQ): Call 1-866-488-7386 , text Start to 678-678, Chat
- Trans Peer Support Lifeline: Call 877-565-8860
- Steve Fund (Students of Color): Text STEVE to 741741
- Veterans Crisis Line: Call 1-800-273-8255 press 1, Text 838255, Chat
- Boston Area Rape Crisis Center 800-841-8371
Counseling Stepped Care Model
Initial Screening
Every student seeking to access counseling services at the Center for Wellness will be asked to fill out initial paperwork. Once the paperwork is complete, you will either meet with a clinician via our Drop-in process or be contacted by phone by a clinician for a brief screening and to schedule an appointment or be referred to another resource.
During the brief screening meeting, you’ll talk about why you are seeking support and your goals and learn about the potential services available to you. The purpose of the brief screening is to assess your needs, check for any safety-related concerns, and identify the best resources to meet those needs.
After the brief screening meeting, a clinician will recommend appropriate services from our options in the following steps.
On campus Resources Referral
Depending on the needs of the student, a clinician may refer a student to any number of on campus resources for non-clinical support.
These offices may include the Dean of Students, Student Support Specialists, Success Studio, Accessibility Services, Office of Housing and Residential Education, Academic Advisor.
Online Psychoeducational Modules
The staff of the Center for Wellness may recommend an online module for students to complete that can provide skills and education on a variety of mental health topics.
The Center for Wellness website also contains various resources as well as information on mental health.
Therapeutic Consultation (single session)
Sometimes, a student may benefit from a single session consultation with a counselor, either to discuss a short-term need, or seek assistance with a more robust treatment plan. Single sessions are utilized when ongoing therapy is not needed or wanted.
During this single appointment, the focus is on the students one concern and working collaboratively to either make a plan or find a solution for the concern. The single session is a one-time meeting and may include referrals, resources, or other services as appropriate.
Psychoeducational workshop
The Center for Wellness offers workshops throughout the semester on various mental health topics. The goal of these workshops is to provide students with education and skills in an area they are seeking mental health support.
Off-campus referrals
Students are sometimes in need of mental health services that are not provided at the Center for Wellness. In these circumstances, the clinician will work collaboratively with the student to identify appropriate off campus resources. This may include a referral to a long-term treatment provider, a higher level of care, such as an intensive outpatient program or specialized group treatment program.
The Center for Wellness works closely with Carbon Health Services on campus to refer students needing psychiatric services and medication management to their psychiatric nurse practitioner.
Individual Short-Term Therapy
Many students utilize counseling services within the Center for Wellness for shorter-term treatment needs. Students can access individual therapy appointments generally within 1-2 weeks of initial outreach. Students work with their counselor to create a treatment plan that directs the clinical work that occurs in each session.
It is important for students to understand that therapy is a collaborative process, often with a need to work on skills and treatment goals between clinical sessions.
Group Therapy
Occasionally, several students may be seeking therapy for a similar mental health concern, which may result in a referral to a therapy group. Often the support of other students processing similar issues and learning similar skills can be a beneficial treatment tool.
Crisis Intervention
Sometimes, a student finds themselves in a mental health crisis point and needs immediate intervention. In these cases, the Center for Wellness staff works to get the student connected to the specific level of mental health care necessary to keep them safe. Often, these are situations in which harm to self is the primary concern and may require hospital level of care.
When responding to a student in crisis, the clinician will work collaboratively with Residential Life, Campus Police, and local emergency services teams to ensure the student gains the care they need as quickly as possible. The Center for Wellness has clinicians that serve as counselors-on-call to ensure the ability to respond to students in crisis 24/7.
Virtual Calming Room
Life can be overwhelming, anxiety-invoking, and stressful. Sometimes we all need a healthy escape. This Virtual Calming Room was designed to help students to locate tools and strategies to positively manage their emotions.

FAQ's About Counseling at WIT
Thinking about counseling is a big step that may come with many questions. If you have additional or more specific questions after reviewing this material please contact the office.
Who goes to counseling? How do I know if I need counseling?
During college many students seek out the support of a counselor. Some students meet with a counselor once or twice, others choose to continue counseling on a short-term basis. Students initially contact the Center for Wellness for a number of different reasonsincluding:
Concerns about important relationships
Feelings of anxiety or panic
Feelings of depression, hopelessness, or suicidality
Disruptions in sleep
Sex, sexual identity, or sexual orientation
Experienced trauma including but not limited to assault and rape
Eating, weight, or body image
Drug or alcohol Use
Challenging life decisions
Performance or creative blocks
Motivation and achievement (academic, athletic…)
Adjusting to college
Adjusting to a new language or culture
Coping with microaggressions, racism, homophobia, intolerance
Coping with a physical illness, disability, or injury
Coping with learning disabilities
Continued treatment begun at home
To develop and build upon personal strengths
Support while working on referrals to long-term or specialized treatment
What if I'm not sure I'm ready or need counseling?
The Center for Wellness offers drop-in hours from 11-12pm and 3-4pm on weekdays. During this time you can have a brief meeting with a counselor to discuss your concerns and together determine if ongoing counseling is right for you.
Counselors will guide you through the process if you wish to begin therapy on campus or can help connect you with resources on and off campus if it is determined that you need different types of support.
Am I eligible to attend? How much does it cost?
All enrolled Wentworth undergraduate and graduate students are eligible to attend free counseling support services
How do I make an appointment?
To begin the process please call 617-989-4390 or come into the Center for Wellness located in Williston Hall 202. We are open Monday to Friday from 8:30am to 4:30pm.
You may be asked to answer some questions and fill out some paperwork to initiate the counseling process. You may also be asked to have a brief conversation with a counselor to learn more about your needs and determine a plan to best support you.
What can I expect when I come in?
When you first contact the Center for Wellness, you will be asked several questions about possible experiences you may currently be having. This helps us determine next steps.
If the support you are looking for matches what we can provide, you will be asked to fill out a questionnaire on the computer and to have a 10minute conversation with one of our counselors to talk about your needs to further to develop the best plan for you.
Once it is determined that counseling in the Center for Wellness is the right fit, you will be scheduled an Intake appointment to discuss your concerns, review your history and determine goals that you would like to work towards.
Each Monday, the counselors meet as a team to determine best matches. From there you will schedule with the counselor you will be meeting with moving forward.
If counseling in the Center for Wellness is not the right fit, counselors can help identify and connect you will on and off-campus referrals that can best support you.
How many sessions will I attend?
On average, students attend about 8-10 sessions. At that point or sometimes sooner, some students feel they have met their treatment goals and are feel an improvement in symptoms. These individuals might choose to take a break from therapy.
Others find counseling helpful and would like to continue therapy with an off-campus provider. Our counselors will assist you in finding a new therapist off-campus that is a good fit.
Some students might benefit from more specialized care off-campus and help with referrals to these services can be provided.
Can I come back to the Center for Wellness if I had counseling in the past?
Yes. While most students benefit from short-term treatment, there are some students that will return to counseling after a period of time due to new circumstances or an increase in symptoms.
All students can utilize 24/7 counseling support by calling 617-989-4390 and selecting option 2 at any point during their enrollment as students.
Counselors in the Center for Wellness and the Care Specialists in the Dean of Students office can help identify possible treatment options at any time.
How can I find a provider to prescribe medications for mental health?
We collaborate with Optum Student Health for Wentworth students. Contact Optum to check insurance and register as a student if it is your first time receiving treatment at this location.
For off-campus medication providers you can contact your insurance company.
What if I miss an appointment or need to reschedule?
Please contact the Center for Wellness at 617-989-4390, or speak directly with your counselor 24-48 hours in advance to cancel or reschedule your appointment.
We ask that all students make the commitment to find a time that best suits your busy schedule and attend all scheduled meetings. We are understanding that illness and other events can happen unexpectedly.
If frequent cancelations, missed appointments or lateness occurs, your counselor may have a conversation with you about finding a new meeting time, reassessing your counseling needs, or determining if another support would better fit your needs and schedule.
What should I do if I'm worried about a friend or fellow student?
If you are concerned about someone's safety, immediately contact public safety 617-989-4444 or the Center for Wellness during business hours 617-989-4390. If the person you are concerned about is not a Wentworth student or lives off campus, please contact 911.
Individuals can go to their local hospital emergency room or call 911.
If it is not a safety emergency and you are looking for general support regarding a friend or student,
Utilize Drop-in hours in the Center for Wellness from 11:00 - 12:00 PM and 3:00 - 4:00 PM on weekdays
Counselors are available 24/7 by contacting BeWell@WIT by calling 617-989-4390 and selecting option 2.
Faculty, staff and students can complete a CARE report (not for safety concerns)
Contact support lines including Samaritans, Trevor Project, Steve Fund
Where do I get help if I am having a mental health emergency?
If you are concerned about your own safety or the safety of someone else,
On-campus, contact public safety 617-989-4444 or the Center for Wellness during business hours 617-989-4390.
Individuals can go to their local hospital emergency room (in Boston go to Beth Israel Hospital) or call 911.
How do I find an off-campus counselor or prescriber?
The first step to finding an off-campus provider is determining what insurance you have and what mental health benefits are included in your plan. Determine what the co-pay is and if that is financially feasible for you to maintain.
You can find providers through your insurance website, the Psychology Today Therapist Finder website, iHope Network or Zencare. You may have to call a few different places, or even “try on” different therapists by meeting with them individually, to find a provider that suits your needs. To help you navigate the process, make an appointment with one of our counselors in the Center for Wellness or the care specialist in the Dean of Students office.
We recommend seeking an off-campus provider for some of these reasons:
You want long-term counseling (more than a semester).
You want a local medication provider.
You have mental health needs that would be better served by a specialist (eating disorders, complex trauma, and psychosis are some problems that might benefit from specialist care).
You prefer a therapist who is not affiliated with Wentworth Institute of Technology.
You would like a practice that offers integrated care between a primary care doctor, a psychiatrist, and/or a therapist (this is sometimes a good idea if you have multiple conditions and/or medications that need to be balanced and monitored regularly)
The JED Foundation
The JED Foundation Health Matters Campus Program designed to help colleges and universities promote emotional wellbeing and mental health programming, reduce substance abuse, and prevent suicide among their students.

Confidentiality Policy
Counseling Services ensures the confidentiality of every student session in compliance with Massachusetts privacy laws. Information disclosed during a session may only be released with the students written consent authorizing the Center for Wellness to release information to specified parties.
Massachusetts State Laws confidentiality exceptions
However, there are some circumstances under which, according to Massachusetts State Laws, confidentiality cannot be maintained. Such circumstances include the following:
If a counselor reasonably believes a student poses imminent physical or psychological danger to themselves or others. If necessary, the counselor may need to have the student transported to a hospital for psychiatric care.
The counselor is considered a mandated reporter under the law and must notify appropriate government agencies if they reasonably believe that a child, a disabled person or an elderly person is suffering injury as a result of abuse or neglect.
If ordered to release information by a court of law.
If a family member, faculty, staff or friend is concerned about a student's safety they should contact the Center for Wellness (617) 989-4390 or contact Public Safety (617) 989-4444.
Contact us
Center for Wellness
Williston Hall 202
8:30am - 4:30pm Monday - Friday