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Students working through Wentworth’s Student Employment Programs gain marketable skills and valuable work experience while earning a bi-weekly paycheck to assist with their expenses.

The Annual Student Employment Job Fair is held in September.  For students who are unable to attend the Fair, you are welcome to browse available positions using the link below or send an inquiry to a hiring office of interest. As a reminder, students cannot begin working until on or after the first day of Fall semester classes.

Types of Work Study at Wentworth

There are two different work study programs at Wentworth: the Federal Work Study Program (and WIT Work Study which follows the same guidelines as FWS) and the Leopard Work Program.  If a student is eligible for the Federal Work Study program, they will see the fund on their financial aid offer.  If they are not eligible, they can only participate in Leopard Work.

Both programs are paid directly to the student in a biweekly paycheck via direct deposit and the amount earned is determined by hours worked and cannot be applied directly to tuition.

Federal Work Study Program:

Federal work study is a need-based program determined by your Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). Eligibility for the program is based on financial need and availability of funds.

  • WIT and the federal government jointly fund the Federal Work Study program.
  • Students must submit a FAFSA and demonstrate financial need according to federal guidelines.
  • Students must be enrolled at least half-time in a degree program, be meeting Satisfactory Academic Progress, and be eligible to work in the U.S.
  • Federal Work Study students can work until June 30th of the academic year funds were awarded for.
  • WIT Work eligible students can work until the last day of Summer classes provided they meet the items listed above and are not enrolled in Co-op.
  • Cannot earn work study funds during a Co-op semester.

Leopard Work Program:

Leopard work is not based on need. If you don't qualify for federal work study, you can still apply for jobs on campus through Leopard Work.

  • Solely funded by Wentworth.
  • Financial need is not a factor in the eligibility of this program.
  • Students must be enrolled at least half-time in a degree program during the semester they are hired and be eligible to work in the U.S.
  •  Leopard Work students can work until the last day of Summer classes provided they meet the items listed above and are not enrolled in Co-op.

How to Find and Apply for a Student Job

For Federal Work Study: All students need to accept their Federal Work Study offer on the financial aid section of LeopardWeb before they can apply for positions.

For all Student Jobs:

Incoming students should wait until they are on campus or their classes begin to start applying for work study positions.

Watch this tutorial or read these steps on how to find and apply for student jobs. Open student job positions can be viewed on Workday.

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