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Please do not ship packages to the mail center if you live off-campus. The mail center is for on-campus students only.

Student mailboxes are located at 525 Huntington Ave., 555 Huntington Ave., and 610 Huntington Ave.

Student Mail Room Hours of Operation

Academic Year

  • Monday - Thursday: 9:30am–6:30pm
  • Friday: 8:30am -5:00pm
  • Saturday & Sunday: CLOSED

Winter, Spring and Summer Break

  • Monday - Friday: 8:30 am–5:30 pm
  • Saturday & Sunday: CLOSED

Mailing Addresses for Students in Residence Halls

Mail & Packages are delivered daily (excluding weekends, federal holidays, and vacation breaks).

The mailroom hours are posted on each mailroom door. The mailrooms are closed during all college breaks (Thanksgiving, Semester/Winter, and Spring break). Please plan accordingly.

Mailbox numbers are distributed by Housing. Please contact them at 617-989-4160 if you have any questions about your student's mailbox. 

It is important that mail be addressed properly in order to prevent loss or delivery delays. Please help us to deliver your mail by giving the following addresses to family and friends.

The Mailing Address for All Students in Residence Halls:

Name MS# (Mailstop #)
Wentworth Institute of Technology
550 Huntington Ave.
Boston, MA  02115-5998

For Example:

John Q. Student MS 1234
Wentworth Institute of Technology
550 Huntington Ave.
Boston, MA  02115-5998

Mail that is addressed to your dorm address will take an additional 2–7 days to reach you, because it must travel through the campus mail system. There is a possibility your mail may not arrive if not using the correct address.

If you receive a package, you will be notified via email that it is waiting for you. To pick up an item, follow the instructions in the email and take your validated Fenway Card to the appropriate Student Mailroom or to the Information Desk next to the Copy & Mail Center in Wentworth Hall, 1st floor. Packages will be given only to the student to whom they are addressed unless other arrangements are made. Unclaimed packages are subject to being returned to the sender after five (5) days unless other arrangements are made.

When mailing a gift card, the Post Office recommends sending it in a bubble wrap envelope, these are sorted by a separate system. It may cost you a little more, but you’ll have peace of mind. USPS says each year they shred two bins of lost gift cards because the gift cards get caught up in the sorting process and end up on the floor.

It is important that mail be addressed properly in order to prevent loss or delivery delays. Please help us to deliver your mail by giving the correct address to family and friends.