Office of the Provost
The Office of the Provost is committed to academic excellence, student, faculty and staff success, and promoting, supporting, and enhancing a vigorous, diverse, inclusive, and rewarding academic environment that fosters faculty and staff professional growth, job satisfaction, impartiality, social justice, equality and equity for all.

Message from the Provost
Wentworth Institute of Technology is well-poised for greatness, addressing the needs of a fast-changing society and various industries by staying true to its mission of empowering learners with the skills they need to be successful in the global marketplace.

Academic and Administrative Units
Wentworth's provost serves as the chief academic officer and oversees all academic programs at the undergraduate and graduate level, all research programs, as well as military educational services, institutional effectiveness and planning, co-op and career services, workforce development, professional education, university library, and the registrar’s office.
Objectives and Values
We strive to promote:
- Academic Excellence
- Student Success
- Faculty and Staff Success
- Diversity, Social Justice, and Inclusive Excellence
- Effective Academic Operations
- Synergy and Outreach
- Environment and Infrastructure Conducive to Teaching, Learning, and Research

Faculty Resources
Wentworth became a residential campus approximately twenty years ago and 2,200 students call the campus home today. The university offers the benefits of a vibrant, student-focused, small-college environment, surrounded by everything that an academically and culturally vibrant city has to offer.
Wentworth has a reputation as an institution offering life-changing education beginning with its students, who have a reputation for being hardworking and humble, taking advantage of its hands-on, active learning model, which starts in the first year, includes a cooperative education component, and culminates with a capstone experience.
Wentworth offers more than 60 state-of-the-art laboratories, studios, and other interactive learning spaces. Students in their first year are likely to venture from the classroom into one of these spaces to create and learn.
Priorities and Initiatives
- Provide outstanding instruction and advance our commitment to student success through strong undergraduate research programs and by expanding experiential learning and career education
- Foster the value of a well-rounded education that includes the sciences, arts and humanities
- Develop strong academic programs in strategic areas
- Establish research and scholarship in core areas and across a variety of application domains
- Build strong student and faculty bonds
- Have an impact on student, faculty, and staff success
- Form strategic partnerships with industry leaders and nonprofits