Financial Aid & Billing FAQ

Many of our frequently asked questions are answered in our Financial Aid Guide and our Financial Aid FAQ documents. You may also find many answers below.
Financial Aid
What can I do if I do not receive financial aid?
To enroll in a payment plan, please go to myWentworth then click the tile named "Student Accounts". If you have questions, please contact the Student Accounts Office at
Why are you asking for tax info, etc...?
Federal regulations require that we verify certain information and documents.
When will my financial aid disburse?
Provided all paperwork is complete, disbursements generally occur six weeks into each semester. Visit the webpage Refund Policy for Tuition Accounts for information about refunds and disbursement dates.
Does Wentworth have a priority deadline for financial aid funds?
The priority deadline for entering freshman is March 1st. The deadline for returning students is May 1st. Once Wentworth receives all FAFSA information, award letters will begin to be mailed towards the end of each respective month. We will always accept a FAFSA at any point during the academic year.
What does FAFSA stand for?
Free Application for Federal Student Aid. This is the only application Wentworth requires in order for a student to be evaluated for financial aid funds.
What is Wentworth's school code? What is Wentworth's eight-digit school code?
Wentworth's school code: 002225. The eight digit school code is 00222500.
What if my application for financial aid is turned in late?
If you apply for financial aid after the deadline, you may still be eligible for federal funds. Wentworth and state funds, however, are very limited and are awarded on a first-come, first-serve basis. Filing late may affect your eligibility for these funds.
What if my application for financial aid is not complete?
Your application cannot be reviewed until all materials and requested items are received by the Financial Aid Office. Funds will not show as "Anticipated Credits" which reduces the amount due for each semester's due dates of August 1 for the fall semester, December 1 for the spring semester and April 1 for the summer semester. You may be responsible for a larger amount due until your application is complete. You can enroll in a payment plan until your application is complete to avoid holds and late payment fees.
When will I receive my award letter?
For new students please see our site for award timeline information.
Providing all requested documents have been received by our office by the established deadlines, returning students should receive their award letters at the end of May. You will be notified via email when your financial aid package is ready.
I understand that I will need to contribute at least part of my total expenses. How is my expected contribution determined?
The Student Aid Index (SAI) is an estimate of how much of your educational expenses you (and/or your family) are expected to absorb. The index is not a prediction of how much cash you actually have on hand; neither is it a value judgment about how much your family ought to have available from their current income, or a measure of your liquidity. Rather, it is an estimate of your capacity over time to absorb some of the cost of education. The SAI generally expects a strong financial commitment on the part of the student proportional to his/her income. We estimate how much you can be expected to contribute (relative to other students), but make no assumptions about how you will finance that contribution. Wentworth offers payment plans through Flywire and various loan borrowing resources.
How will my financial aid be renewed?
Wentworth Institute of Technology is committed to the renewal of financial aid for applicants who received aid as entering students. Aid will be renewed upon receipt and review of a complete and timely FAFSA. The amount of aid will vary with the applicant's eligibility and the availability of funds. Please note that receiving funds in previous years does not guarantee that you will receive them annually. Eligibility varies with the changes in a family's income, assets, and number of family members enrolled in at least half time basis in school.
My parent is a full-time student. Can that be considered in my aid package?
Under both federal and institutional guidelines, parents in college are not counted as family members enrolled in college.
My sibling is a student. Can that be considered in my aid package?
Dependent siblings are no longer considered in the federal aid formula for financial need starting in 2024-25.
Students may qualify for the Sibling Discount, visit the Utilizing Other Payment Methods webpage for information about the Sibling Discount and the Sibling Discount Form.
How can I be considered an independent student?
Many students would prefer to be considered independent for financial aid purposes because their parents choose not to help them financially with college, do not claim them on their tax return, or because the students live apart from their parents. However, the criteria for establishing independence for financial aid are very strict. According to federal guidelines, a student applicant is considered independent of his/her parents for financial aid purposes only when he/she is able to answer, "yes" to one or more of the following questions:
- Are you 24 years of age or older?
- Are you married?
- Are you a graduate or professional student?
- Do you have legal dependents other than a spouse?
- Are you a veteran or an individual currently serving on active duty in the US Armed Forces?
- At any time since you turned 13, were both your parents deceased, were you in foster care or were you a dependent or ward of the court?
- Are you or were you an emancipated minor as determined by a court in your state of legal residence?
- Are you or were you in legal guardianship as determined by a court in your state of legal residence?
- At any time on or after July 1, 2015, were you determined to be an unaccompanied youth who was homeless or were self-supporting and at risk of being homeless, as determined by (a) your high school or district homeless liaison, (b) the director of an emergency shelter or transitional housing program funded by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, or (c) the director of a runaway or homeless youth basic center or transitional living program?
Under severe circumstances, federal guidelines allow a Financial Aid Administrator to override the applicant's status as a dependent student on a case-by-case basis, making him/her independent for financial aid purposes. (Please note that severe circumstances do not include a parent's unwillingness to provide financial information needed to complete the FAFSA, refusal to contribute towards college expenses, or the student demonstrating that he/she financially supports him/herself.) Contact our office for more information.
If I receive outside scholarships will this affect my financial aid award?
Unless you notify us otherwise, your financial aid award at Wentworth was based on the assumption that you will not receive aid from non-Wentworth sources. If you do receive such assistance, we may revise our offer of financial aid.
Visit the Utilizing Other Payment Methods webpage for the Outside Scholarship Reporting Form and information.
How will participating in a Study Abroad Program affect my aid award?
If you are studying through a Wentworth study-abroad program you may be eligible for financial aid. Visit the study abroad website additional information.
What if I have never applied for financial aid before?
While students who have never received aid can apply, institutional funds are not reserved for this purpose. Returning students who have not previously applied for aid should plan to receive federal funds only and not Wentworth funds (unless their family has had a significant change in circumstances such as loss of a job or death in the family).
What does SAP mean?
Satisfactory Academic Progress, see catalog for standards.
I did not make Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) and my aid was canceled. Can I get it back?
You must write an appeal letter to the Academic Progress Committee requesting a re-evaluation. You will be notified of their decision by mail.
I was awarded a merit scholarship when I was admitted to Wentworth Institute of Technology, what do I need to do to keep it?
Undergraduates must maintain an overall cumulative Grade Point Average (GPA) of 2.0 and carry a full time class load.
How is my Institutional Cumulative Grade Point Average determined?
All credit-bearing courses taken at Wentworth are considered. If a student withdraws from a course after the end of the add/drop period for a given semester, those credits will be considered attempted and are used in determining the Institutional Cumulative Grade Point average.
I've received work study as part of my award. Am I assigned a job or do I apply for one?
An offer of work study is an opportunity for you to obtain an on-campus job. All available jobs are posted on the Student Employment Page. You apply for positions that interest you by contacting the supervisor listed on the job posting. You will receive pay checks for the hours you work up to the amount listed on your financial aid award. When an offer of work study assistance is made, Wentworth does not guarantee a student will earn his/her full allotment nor does it guarantee a job opportunity. Please see the Student Employment page for more information.
If I was not awarded federal work study, can I still work on campus?
Students that are not eligible for federal work study or Wentworth work study are eligible to work under the Leopard Work Program (LWP) The Leopard Work Program is funded by Wentworth Institute of Technology. Unlike FWS and WITWK, financial need is not a determining factor for the eligibility of this program. To be eligible for LWP, a student must be enrolled at least half-time in a degree program, maintain satisfactory academic progress, and be eligible to work in the US. International students with a valid passport and Form I-94 or valid work documentation can work through this program. For information regarding student employment please visit our Student Employment pages.
When are bills available?
Bills are available online mid-June for the fall semester with a due date of August 1, November 1 for the spring semester with a due date of December 1, and March 1 for the summer semester with a due date of April 1. Your EBill can be accessed by going to myWentworth then clicking the tile for Student Accounts.
What happens if my account is not paid in full by the due date?
You cannot move into the residence halls until your student account is paid in full, on a payment plan, and/or covered by anticipated financial aid funds, or certified loan funds by August 1 for the fall semester, December 1 for the spring semester, and April 1 for the summer semester. Holds and late payment fees are assessed. Holds prevent registration, add/drop and the ability to move into campus housing. Please check your EBill at myWentworth, then clicking the tile for "Student Accounts" to check if you have any Financial Holds.
Does Wentworth have a payment plan by which I can make monthly installments to pay my bill?
Wentworth offers a monthly interest free semester based payment plan. Payment plans allow families to make payments on a monthly basis. There is a non-refundable enrollment fee. Visit the Monthly Payment Plans webpage for more information.
How do I waive/participate in the health insurance program?
Massachusetts law requires that all students who are enrolled for nine or more credit hours per semester (or on Co-op) be covered by health insurance. All students are automatically charged for the Student Health Insurance Plan (SHIP) at the beginning of the academic year, typically the fall semester. If a student is already covered by an alternate plan that offers comparable coverage and would like to submit a waiver request, the student must complete the online Health Insurance Waiver Form by the specified dates outlined on the Health Insurance webpage and included in email notifications that are sent to the student's Wentworth email address.
- If the waiver is approved, a waiver credit will be posted to the student's account within 48 hours.
- If the waiver is declined, the student will receive an email with an appeal link to appeal the denial. If the denial is upheld, the student will be responsible for the insurance charge.
- If a student wishes to purchase the student health insurance plan (SHIP), the student must complete the online enrollment form.
- Co-op students are charged for student health insurance since they are registered for twelve credits and considered full time students. If a Co-op student has alternate comparable health insurance, they need to submit a wavier request by the deadlines specified. This pertains to all Co-op students, despite the location of the Co-op placement.
For more information, please visit the Health Insurance webpage.