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The information on this page is for reporting employer benefits, tuition remission, military education benefits, and state pre-paid education plans, or 529 college savings plans. 

College Savings Plans 

It is important to request college savings plan funds thirty days prior to each semester's due dates of August 1 for the fall semester, December 1 for the spring semester, and April 1 for the summer semesters.  Funds can be requested online through your college savings plan portal by selecting the electronic funds transfer (EFT) option or by contacting your plan administrator.   Credit balances due to overpayments are refunded to the student.  We do not hold credit balances for future semesters.

If requesting a paper check payment, the student’s full name and Wentworth ID must be listed on the payment. The funds should be sent to: 

Wentworth Institute of Technology 
Student Accounts Office / Williston Hall
550 Huntington Avenue
Boston MA  02115

E-Bills not paid in full, on a payment plan, have pending financial aid, or certified loan funds by each semester’s due dates, risk being assessed holds and late payment fees. 

Sibling Discounts

Wentworth offers a tuition discount for siblings enrolled concurrently in full time degree programs.  Tuition charges must be assessed to the EBill for the sibling discount to be applied.  All siblings must be matriculated and enrolled in a full time Wentworth program each semester of eligibility.  The sibling discount is applied as follows:

  • 10% tuition discount per student for the first and second siblings, enrolled concurrently.
  • 20% tuition discount for the third and additional siblings, enrolled concurrently. 

The discount does not apply to and will be removed in the following situations.

  • One of the siblings takes a leave of absence, withdraws or graduates.
  • One of the siblings is registered less than full time for a given semester. 

To apply for the discount, list all siblings on the Sibling Discount Form.  All areas must be complete, including the expected graduate date for each student.   

Sibling Discount Form

Military Education Benefits 

Please contact the Military Connected Services Office with questions.

Supplies can be purchased at the Wentworth bookstore.  Please contact your Veterans Administrator Counselor for a list of acceptable purchases of supplies.

Visit the Military-Connected Services Office for more information.   

Schedule a Meeting: 


Employer Benefits 

Employer, or sponsor, benefit confirmation letters must be sent to the Student Accounts Office at thirty days prior to each semester’s due dates of August 1 for the fall semester, December 1 for the spring semester, and April 1 for the summer semester.  

The anticipated credit will show on the E-Bill for the employer or sponsor benefit indicated in the confirmation letter. You do not need to pay this amount while you wait for the employer or sponsor to send the payment to Wentworth, but you should pay any balance on your E-Bill not covered by the employer or sponsor or other pending financial aid funds by each semester's due dates. E-Bills not paid in full, on a payment plan, have pending financial aid, or certified loan funds by each semester’s due dates, risk being assessed holds and late payment fees. 

Wentworth Employee and Dependent Tuition Remission 

Eligible employees can request a tuition waiver for each semester they or a dependent have registered for. Employer, or sponsor, benefit confirmation letters must be sent to the Student Accounts Office at thirty days prior to each semester’s due dates of August 1 for the fall semester, December 1 for the spring semester, and April 1 for the summer semester to avoid holds and late payment fees. Human Resources will respond to the case and include a link to a smart form in DocuSign. The employee copies the link into their browser, fills out the DocuSign form, and submits it. After the waiver is approved by Human Resources, the form is submitted to the Student Accounts Office. The Student Accounts Office will apply the waiver to the E-Bill. Employee and Dependent Tuition Waiver requests must be submitted for each semester with registration activity. 

  • Log into Workday  

  • Select Help from left hand Menu.  

  • Click on the blue button titled Create Case  

  • Complete the form 

  • Click submit 

Any balance not covered by tuition remission, or dependent tuition remission, is expected to be paid in full, on a payment plan, and/or covered by pending financial aid funds, or certified loan funds by each semester's due dates.  If a balance is past due, holds and late payment fees may be assessed.  

Enrollment in three quarter credits or more per semester may result in being assessed student health insurance on the E-Bill.   Please visit the Health Insurance webpage for information about health insurance, the waiver process and deadlines to waive.   


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