Outside Scholarships
The Outside Scholarship Reporting Form must be completed for each scholarship the student receives. The scholarship confirmation letter must be uploaded through the Outside Scholarship Reporting Form. This process should be done at least one month before each semester’s due dates:
- August 1 for the fall semester
- December 1 for the spring semester
- April 1 for the summer semester
The Student Accounts Office will add the anticipated credit amount of your scholarship award to your EBill for the semester(s) stated in the scholarship confirmation letter. The student does not need to pay this amount, but the student should pay any balance on the EBill not covered by the scholarship or other pending financial aid funds.
Student accounts not paid in full, on a payment plan, covered by pending financial aid, or certified loan funds by each semester’s due dates risk being assessed holds and late payment fees. Scholarship anticipated credits will not show on the EBill after October 1 for the fall semester, February 1 for the spring semester, and June 1 for the summer semester. If the scholarship funds are not received by the time the anticipated credit expires, the student is responsible for any balance due on the EBill. A hold will be applied to their account, and they may be assessed late payment fees.
Anticipated Scholarship Credits and the Amount Due on Your EBill
Submitting the confirmation letter from your scholarship organization allows the Student Accounts Office to reflect the anticipated amount of the scholarship expected, which reduces your amount due for that semester. If your organization does not send the awarded scholarship payment promptly, the anticipated payment will expire on October 1 for the fall semester, February 1 for the spring semester, and June 1 for the summer semester resulting in an account hold that prevents registration and moving into campus housing.
Scholarship Organizations Requiring a Copy of the Semester’s EBill
Some scholarship organizations require a copy of the student’s EBill. The student is responsible for submitting a copy of their semester’s EBill by visiting their EBill portal, clicking the Account Activity tab, identifying the semester needed, clicking Print, then saving as a PDF and emailing the document to the scholarship organization. The Student Accounts Office does not provide scholarship organizations with this document.
Scholarship Payments
We encourage the use of electronic funds transfer payments from outside scholarship organizations. Please have your scholarship organization email studentaccounts@wit.edu and we will provide the organization with Wentworth’s electronic funds transfer information.
Unless otherwise specifically requested in writing by the scholarship organization or awarding agency, Wentworth will credit one half of the scholarship amount to the fall charges and one half to the spring. If the student would like the entire amount applied to one semester only, they must contact the scholarship organization to provide documentation of the request. These changes must be received in writing.
Non-Wentworth Scholarships Policy
Federal regulations require that Wentworth consider all resources available to a student when determining eligibility for financial aid funds. Not reporting outside scholarships can result in late payment fees, holds, and incorrect awarding of financial aid. The Financial Aid Office will notify students if their non-Wentworth scholarship(s) cause a revision to their financial aid package.