Tuition & Costs
A student's future is priceless and the possibilities are endless, so let's make the most of it. Whatever the situation, if students are curious and driven, we are here to help make their dreams a reality.
Cost of Attendance
Academic Year 2024-2025
These figures include direct costs like tuition, room, and board/meal plan, and indirect costs such as travel expenses, books, and personal expenses. The amount will vary depending on whether students live on campus or commute from home.
At the discretion of the Institute, tuition and fees are subject to change at any time.
Undergraduate Students
The Cost of Attendance (COA) is an estimated total cost of attending an institution for one academic year. While this estimate is for one year (two semesters) we recommend you create a financial plan for the entire time it will take you to complete your degree. Note: Costs listed are based on two semesters of full time enrollment unless otherwise stated.
Direct Costs (Costs Payable to the Institution)
Includes only items payable directly to the school.
Full Time Tuition (12-20 credits)^ $41,984 per year Average Housing (All Rates) $15,214 per year Food Plan Rates (All Rates) $4,740-$6,510* per year Technology Fee $600 per year Comprehensive Fee $300 per year Per credit rate - Undergraduate (below 12 credits or above 20 credits) $1,315 per credit Tuition for BS Project Management and AS Applied Science in Engineering Technology per credit rate - $595 per credit ^excludes BS in Project Management and AS in Applied Science and Engineering
*We use the highest meal plan rate for calculating the Cost of Attendance.
Undergraduate students who take fewer than 12 credits in a semester will be charged per credit ($1,315) rather than the flat full-time rate. Undergraduate students who overload (take more than 20 credits in a semester) will be charged at the per credit rate ($1,315) for each credit over 20.
Undergraduate students are required to live on campus their first two years unless granted a waiver by the Housing and Accessibility offices. For off-campus expenses for housing we estimate $15,214 per year and food expenses of $6,510 per year. If living off-campus with family, we estimate housing expenses at $2,200 per year and food expenses of $6,510 per year.
Indirect Costs (Includes Estimated Costs Paid to Others)
Includes estimated costs you may need to pay to others. The amounts of these expenses will vary from student to student.
Books, course materials, supplies, and equipment $1,500 Travel Expenses $800 Misc. Personal Expenses $900 Health Insurance* $1,852 We provide other fees for transparency below. Please note that students may or may not incur these fees on a bill as they are customized based on a student's choices at Wentworth.
*Health Insurance coverage is determined by the first semester of the academic year in which the student is enrolled as three-quarter time or greater, including Co-op. See the Health Insurance page for more information on coverage, enrollment, and waivers, which are subject to change.
Graduate Students
Direct Costs (Costs Payable to the Institution)
Includes only items payable directly to the school.
Graduate Tuition $1,260 per credit Master of Architecture Tuition ** $1,225 per credit Average Room Off-Campus (On-Campus Rates**) $15,214 per year (2 semesters) Food Plan Rates (On-Campus Meal Plan Rates) $4,740-$6,510* per year (2 semesters) *We use the highest meal plan rate for calculating the Cost of Attendance.
** Students in the Masters of Architecture program have an additional cost of $2,500 for the required ARCH9000: Global Research Studio taken in their final fall semester.
For off-campus expenses for housing we estimate $15,214 per year and food expenses of $6,510 per year. If living off-campus with family, we estimate housing expenses at $2,200 per year and food expenses of $6,510 per year.
Indirect Costs (Includes Estimated Costs Paid to Others)
Includes estimated costs you may need to pay to others. The amounts of these expenses will vary from student to student. These amounts are per year, based on 2 semesters.
Books, course materials, supplies, and equipment $750 Travel Expenses $1,000 Misc. Personal Expenses $2,000 Health Insurance*** $1,852 We provide other fees for transparency below. Please note that students may or may not incur these fees on a bill as they are customized based on a student's choices at Wentworth.
**Graduate students may access housing on a space available basis.
***Health Insurance coverage is determined by the first semester of the academic year in which the student is enrolled as three-quarter time or greater, including Co-op. See the Health Insurance page for more information on coverage, enrollment, and waivers, which are subject to change.
Other Fees
In the interest of transparency, we provide a listing of other fees which may be billed to some students depending on their choices.
List of Potential Fees
The following rates are effective July 1 for the 2024-2025 academic year. At the discretion of the Institute, tuition and fees are subject to change at any time.
Per Semester
Comprehensive Fee (Undergraduates) $150 Course Materials/Follett Access Fees $43.99 - $129.99 Deposit – Admissions
Down Payment - Continuing Students Housing
Food & Meal Plans (Highest Rate Shown)**
Duplicate Diploma Fee
Health Insurance Fee*
Housing Release Fee
ID Replacement Fee
Laptop Recovery Fee ***
Late Payment Fee / Monthly
Library Fine
Parking – Commuter
Parking – Motorcycle
Parking – Overnight
Parking – Evening / Weekend
Replacement Refund Fee
Returned Payment Fee
Technology Fee (Undergraduates)
* Can be waived by the specified deadlines.
** Estimated. Charges vary by option.
*** Review your Laptop Agreement Contract
Comprehensive Fee
The Comprehensive Fee covers the cost of a variety of programs, including orientation, graduation, use of the fitness center, and some club events. This fee is not assessed to fully online undergraduate programs or any graduate programs.
Course Materials Fee - Math & Physics
Students registered for the following sections are responsible for the following Follett Materials on their EBill.
BIOL 3800 $43.99 CONM 7150 $43.99 MGMT 6150 $43.99 DATA 6150 $50.99 CIVE 2000 $68.99 PHYS 1250 $74.99 PHYS 1750 $74.99 INTD 3300 $74.99 MATH 1000 $89.99 MATH 1020 $89.99 MATH 1040 $89.99 MATH 1500 $89.99 MATH 1600 $89.99 MATH 3800 $89.99 MATH 1030 $99.99 MECH 6175 $115.99 CIVE 3200 $119.99 MATH 1776 $129.99 MATH 1777 $129.99 MATH 1876 $129.99 MATH 1877 $129.99 Students may opt out of these fees but will need to purchase the materials via another source. Please contact the bookstore if you would like to opt out.
Course Overload
An overload is any number of semester credit hours over 20 credits. No more than 24 credits or a total of six courses will be allowed. A student will be assessed a per-credit tuition charge for each credit exceeding 20 credits in addition to the full-time tuition charge for that semester.
A Co-op is full-time, temporary employment in your field of study that enables you to apply classroom learning to professional work experience. Students enrolled in Co-op are not charged tuition for the Co-op semester. Students are charged health insurance because they are considered a full-time student during their Co-op semester. The health insurance charge can be waived. Waiver deadlines apply. Visit Health Insurance for more information.
Deposits & Down Payments
Students starting their studies at Wentworth pay a Tuition Deposit of $250 and a Housing Down Payment of $250. Continuing students pay a Housing Down Payment of $500. Deposits will be credited to your student account balance. Deposits are non-refundable. Visit the Admissions page regarding Tuition Deposits and the Housing page regarding Housing Down Payments.
Food / Dining
All students with a residential housing assignment must select a full or partial residential meal plan. All first-year residential students, and those residing in Evans Way Hall, Tudbury Hall and Baker Hall, are required to purchase the Silver, Gold, or Platinum Plan.
Declining balance points from meal plans carry over from semester to semester and expire at the end of the summer semester. This is at the discretion of Wentworth’s dining provider and is subject to change.
Visit Campus Dining for information.
Duplicate Diploma
Duplicate diplomas are available for all alumni who earned a certificate or degree from Wentworth. The cost for a duplicate diploma is $50.
Health Insurance
Health Insurance coverage is determined by the first semester of the academic year in which the student enrolls in nine or more credits, including co-op. See the Health Insurance page for more information on coverage, enrollment, and waivers.
All first year and second-year students are required to reside in Wentworth residence halls and select a meal plan.
Students residing in housing or who have signed a Wentworth housing agreement are not eligible to be exempt from the residency requirement for the period of that housing agreement. Visit Residential Life for more information.
Housing Agreement Release Fee
Housing agreements are binding for the full academic year (three semesters if in three-semester housing). Students who withdraw from their housing agreement without a valid reason will be charged the Housing Agreement Release Fee as outlined in the Housing Withdrawal Policy. Visit Housing Agreements and Policies.
ID Replacement Fee
You may use the same ID card throughout your entire Wentworth career. Please protect your Fenway Card and always carry it with you. The cost of a replacement ID card is $25. Replacement cards can be obtained from the ID Office located in Beatty 014 which is open on Mondays and Wednesdays 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM and by appointment.
Indirect Costs
Indirect costs are paid by the student and include costs associated with books, supplies, travel expenses, personal expenses, and other miscellaneous expenses. Wentworth estimates families should budget approximately $2,000.00 per year for indirect costs.
Laptop Recovery Fee
Withdrawn students who do not return their laptops to DTS (Division of Technology Services) within thirty days of their withdrawal are charged a prorated fee to their student account. Students on a Co-op or a leave of absence are not considered permanently withdrawn. Visit the DTS website for more information.
Late Payment Fee
A $100 monthly late payment fee will be assessed to student account balances not paid in full, on a payment plan and/or having anticipated financial aid, or certified loan funds by the semester’s due dates. Appeals for the waiver of a late payment fee must be sent by the student’s Wentworth email address to during the semester the late payment fee was assessed. Waiver appeals are granted on a one-time only basis.
Library Fine
Repair and/or replacement costs, in addition to a processing fee, if any part, or item, is lost, stolen, or damaged. Items overdue by seven days will be considered lost and replacement charges will be assessed.
Visit the Douglas D. Schumann Library website for user responsibilities, fines, fees and other information.
All students (including part-time, evening & weekend, commuter, and residents) who intend to park a motor vehicle on campus must properly register their vehicle and display the appropriate permit. Student parking permits are effective from the purchase date to the end of the academic school semester. A parking permit does not guarantee a parking space. Parking permits are issued by Wentworth Police at 610 Huntington Avenue. Purchase a Parking Pass (Wentworth Login required)
Payment Plan Enrollment Fee
Wentworth partners with Nelnet Campus Commerce to offer interest-free semester based monthly payment plans. Payment plans allow families to divide the student account balance over several monthly payments per semester. A nonrefundable $60 enrollment is charged for enrolling. Visit Monthly Payment Plans for more information.
Replacement Refund Fee
A Replacement Refund Fee will be assessed when refund checks need to be reissued. This applies to checks that need to be reissued because they were not cashed before the check expired, checks that were lost, checks that were sent to an outdated address, as well as checks that need to be replaced for any other reason.
Returned Payment Fee
A Returned Payment Fee will be automatically assessed to the student account if a payment is returned due to Wentworth by the bank due to insufficient funds or incorrect banking information. Wentworth will not accept a personal check, including web checks, if there have been two (2) returned payments on a student's account.
Technology Fee
The Technology Fee supports digital services such as internet access, e-mail, security, help services, software, computer labs, library resources, and wireless networks.