1098-T Tax Information
A 1098-T form is generated for most students who enrolled in degree seeking course(s) for academic credit during a calendar year. Students must be a citizen or permanent resident of the United States of America and Wentworth’s Student Accounts Office must have the student’s social security number or TIN on file. Students can use the W-9S form to submit their social security number (SSN) or taxpayer identification number (TIN) securely to the Student Accounts Office. The form must be completed and submitted by January 15.
The 1098-T provides and reports the amount of qualified tuition and related expenses or QTRE (see chart below) paid on your student account during the tax / calendar year. A tax / calendar year is January 1 through December 31. The information serves to alert students that they may be eligible for federal income tax education credits such as the Lifetime Learning Credit and the Hope Credit. The IRS does not require that you claim the tuition and fees deduction or an education credit. Claiming education tax benefits is a voluntary decision for those who may qualify.
Additional information can be found on the IRS website. Members of the Student Accounts Office are not tax professionals and cannot provide any tax guidance or tax filing information.
View the "What is a 1098-T" video here.
If you need someone to prepare your tax return, please visit Choosing a Tax Professional.
See below for more information
Student Access to Their 1098-T
Wentworth partners with TRA Maximus to process students 1098-Ts. As part of this service you have electronic access to your 1098-T through the TRA Maximus website. Access is easy by following the directions below.
- Go to TRA Maximus
- Click on Login/Register
- Click on Register
- Click on First Time Students
- Enter the last five digits of your Social Security Number (SSN).
- If no results are produced, please call the Student Accounts Office at 617.989.5043. Do NOT email your SSN. The Student Accounts Office will update your student record and then you will be able to access your 1098-T in Maximus.
- If your record is found, complete the required fields and click "Complete Registration".
- You will receive a screen message that you have successfully created your account and will receive an email from TRA Customer Service with your temporary password. Please check your "SPAM" or quarantine folders if you do not receive an email.
- Click on the link provided in the email. Enter your username and temporary password. Click "Next"
- Select one of the security questions. This answer is case sensitive. Click "Submit".
- Enter a new password; click "Next"
- In the Action column, click "View/Print 1098-T". You can return to this site for additional copies of your 1098-T.
Sample 1098-T and Box Information

Box 1 - Indicates the amount of payments received for qualified tuition and related expenses charged during the tax / calendar year. Not all charges are considered eligible charges by the IRS (see chart below)
Box 2 - Remains blank.
Box 3 - Remains blank.
Box 4 - Indicates any adjustments Wentworth made to the qualified tuition and related expenses (QTRE) reported on a previous years 1098-T.
Box 5 - Indicates the amount of scholarships and grants that were paid directly to the school on the student’s account. Scholarships and grants may reduce the amount of qualified tuition and expenses used when calculating a deduction or credit.
Box 6 - Indicates any adjustments Wentworth made to scholarships and grants reported on a previous years 1098-T.
Box 7 - Reflects qualified tuition and expenses for an academic semester / term that begins in the first three months of the year following the year covered by the 1098-T.
Box 8 - Indicates that a student is enrolled as least half time.
Box 9 - Indicates that the student is enrolled in a graduate program.
Qualified Tuition and Related Expenses (QTRE)
- Undergraduate Tuition
- Graduate Tuition
- Technology Fees
- Program Fees
Does not include:
- Late Payment Fees
- Room Charges
- Meal Plan Changes
- Application Fees
- Payment Plan Enrollment Fees
- Books and Supplies
- Student Health Insurance Fees
Why You May Not Receive Form 1098-T
Eligible educational institutions are required by the IRS to prepare Form 1098-T for most students who paid for “qualified educational expenses” in the preceding calendar year. Consistent with IRS Regulations, Wentworth is not required to provide Form 1098-T to a student in the following instances:
- Students whose qualified tuition and related expenses posting in the reporting year were entirely waived or paid entirely with scholarships posting in the reporting year (noting that payments for the Spring semester frequently post in the previous reporting year, and are thus reflected in the prior year’s Form 1098-T)
- Students who do not maintain a separate financial account and whose qualified tuition and related expenses are covered by a formal billing arrangement between Wentworth and the student’s employer or a government entity, such as the Department of Veteran Affairs
- Courses for which no academic credit is offered or earned, even if the student is otherwise enrolled in a degree program
- Students who are nonresident aliens; i.e., not tax residents of the United States. (Note: The University’s general practice has been to provide nonresident aliens with a Form 1098-T, when applicable, even though it’s not legally required to do so.)
If you fall under one of these exceptions, you will not receive a Form 1098-T.
Helpful Links
1098-T Frequently Asked Questions
Publication 970- Tax Benefits of Education.pdf
IRS Form 1098-T Instructions.pdf