Commencement FAQ
FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions
Ceremony Location
Location of the Tent: West Parking Lot
Post Commencement Reception: The Quad
Please view this FAQ on why we use the West Lot.
Am I eligible to graduate?
Seniors must complete an application to graduate via the Leopardweb.
The Registrar's office will process the application, confirm that the student has met all of their eligibility requirements and will send notification weekly to those students who have been CLEARED TO GRADUATE. Questions: please contact the Registrar’s Office.
Regalia - Cap, Gown, Hood and Cords
When and where do I receive my cap, gown, hood and cords? Are they free?
Caps, gowns, hoods and cords are FREE. Wentworth has selected an eco-friendly robe which is made from 100% recycled materials and the items can be recycled after use.
The students will receive an email when the ordering site is open and they will fill out the information requested with options to - this is not AMAZON and it will not arrive overnight:
SHIP HOME - COST $12.95 - when your item ships you will receive a tracking number from the vendor to alert you your item is on its way.
- SHIP TO WENTWORTH - NO COST TO YOU - The vendor will manufacture the caps, gowns and hoods. They will ship them all at the same time and when the shipment arrives, the Office of University Events will send an email to students to notify you of pick up days and times. It should be approximately 1-2 weeks prior to commencement.
- The pick up days and times will be sent via email and posted on the calendar of this page and via the @wentworthinstitute Instagram account. Students will be able to use the lockers to arrange for pick up at their convenience during non-business hours.
- Honors Cords and Veterans Cords will be distributed the day of your ceremony when you check in. [Note: if you are not attending the ceremony, we will mail your cords to you approximately 6-8 weeks after commencement; please email the commencement office to notify us of your plans and be sure to include your current mailing address and the cords you should be receiving.]
- Undergraduate Latin Honors Cords Explained
Wentworth recognizes graduates with Latin Honors at their commencement ceremony based upon the last completed semester's GPA. April graduation date - honors are based on the December GPA August graduation date - honors are based on the final April GPA
The student diploma and final transcript will reflect the official honors designa tion based on the student's final GPA.
Highest Honors: Summa Cum Laude is a GPA of 3.9 and above | Gold Cord High Honors: Magna Cum Laude is a GPA of 3.75 - 3.89 | Red Cord Honors: Cum Laude is a GPA of 3.50 - 3.74 | White Cord
- Digital Commencement Program - the program book available digitally at the ceremony will list all graduates and will reflect the Latin Honors based on the GPA of the prior semester. Any changes in the student's GPA will be reflected on final documents once all grades have been processed.
- Masters Degrees - Students receiving their Masters are recognized "With Distinction" if their GPA is in the top 10% of the graduating class.
Questions, please contact the Registrar's office at as they manage this process.
Student Arrival for Commencement Ceremony
What time do I need to check-in for Commencement?
Time and location TO BE UPDATED SOON
- Bring your cap, gown and hood. (If you did not pick up or have it shipped home, the vendor will be onsite to assist you.)
- Honors and veterans cords will be distributed at check-in.
- Do not bring any other items that you cannot carry with you. There is no where to store your belongings.
- Do not leave items behind, you will not be able to retrieve them.
Tickets and Seating for guests only - graduates do not need tickets
Commencement is a ticketed event. Non-ticketed family members may view the event via our livestream.
Wentworth has a fair and equitable process for distributing FREE guest tickets.
Each student may order up to 4 FREE tickets only.
We will not respond to phone calls or emails requesting extra tickets. There are hundreds of students with family members who want to attend - parents, siblings, grandparents, etc. Tickets are limited and every student has the same opportunity to order their fair share.
While we understand that everyone wants to attend commencement, we CANNOT exceed our capacity. Therefore we urge you to plan accordingly, especially for families traveling to Boston for the event.
Once the ticketing process opens, students must order their tickets on time. If they do not meet the deadline, their tickets will be moved to the extra ticket pool.
Commencement is held in a tent on our campus. The tent is considered a temporary structure, and therefore we must submit a plan to the City of Boston to receive an occupancy permit. The permit allows for a maximum capacity to ensure the safety of all guests and we cannot exceed this capacity. The number of tickets per student is calculated based on the number of graduates and the capacity of the structure.
How many tickets does each graduate receive and how much do tickets cost?
Students can order up to 4 tickets for guests.
Tickets to commencement are FREE.
A ticket is required for all guests ages six (6) and older. Children under the age of six (6) do not need tickets and may sit in the lap of their parent or in a stroller.
Students do not need tickets.
When can I order tickets?
The date is fluid but we aim for approximately 3 weeks prior to the ceremony. (This is based on receiving the list of students cleared to participate from the registrar and after testing the ordering site.)
- Each student will receive an email with instructions on how to use the ordering site. They can order the tickets and email them to family and friends.
- They will have approximately 1 week to order tickets. If they do not order by the deadline, the tickets become part of the extra ticket pool.
Do I need to bring a paper copy of my ticket to check-in?
- No, you do not need a paper copy of your ticket. We can scan the QR code from your mobile device.
- Please note that each person in your party must have their own QR code on their mobile device.
- If you do not have a mobile device, we recommend printing the ticket to bring with you for scanning at check-in. (We will not be able to print tickets for you, please plan accordingly.)
Can a student receive extra tickets to the ceremony?
Students can request additional tickets. There is no guarantee that extra tickets will be available. The extra tickets come from students who do not use their full allotment or who choose to release them back to Wentworth because they will not be attending the ceremony (and often they do not notify us).
These tickets become the extra ticket pool. There is no way to determine if any, or how many, may be available. These tickets will be put into a pool and distributed evenly to those who asked for additional tickets to ensure every student has family and friends at the ceremony to support them. (For example, 300 students request 2 extra tickets each - totaling 600 but only 300 are in the pool. We will allot 1 per request up to the 300 available.)
We will award the extra tickets and notify students via email. If they do not claim them, the tickets will be re-issued to fulfill other requests.
No tickets to Commencement may be bought or sold under any circumstances.
Is seating assigned or general admission?
Seating is assigned and you will be able to choose your seats on our ticketing platform. When ordering your tickets, you will select your designated seat(s) for the event. Seats are selected on a first-come, first-serve basis. This is similar to concert seating and there is a 20 minute time limit.
All seats are accessible. If your guest has mobility issues or uses a support device (i.e. walker or wheelchair), they will be able to remove the temporary chair and use their own.
Commencement will be held at Wentworth in a climate controlled tent.
All seats are at the same level (i.e., not stadium or amphitheater seating).
Large viewing screens will be placed to ensure that all guests can see the ceremony from their seats.
Where is parking for students, guests and those needing accommodations?
Free Parking is available in the following locations - it is first come, first serve and not guaranteed:
Limited Accessibility Parking is available in the West Parking Lot at 550 Huntington Avenue, corner of Ruggles Street and Huntington Ave. All cars must have either a valid handi-cap hang tag, license plate or sticker visible in order to access this lot. The parking attendant will check.
FREE General Parking is available as follows - it is first come, first serve and NOT guaranteed:
Mindoro Lot: 20 Mindoro Street, Boston
Halleck Street Lot: 100 Halleck Street, Boston
Annex Lot: 55 Annunciation Road, Boston - behind the building near the Greek Orthodox Church
PARKING NEARBY: There are several additional parking garages within walking distance to Wentworth. You can pay and park there for the day.
Renaissance Parking Garage: 835 Columbus Ave, Boston
Longwood Galleria Garage: 350 Longwood Ave, Boston
Simmons University Garage: 86 Avenue Louis Pasteur, Boston
MASCO Garage: 375 Longwood Ave, Boston
PARKING APP: Try Spot Hero - it will locate a garage near our address - 550 Huntington Avenue and tell you the walking distance, price and availability to reserve in advance.
Why Take the Career Outcomes Survey?
Link to be posted closer to ceremony.
Each year Co-ops & Careers asks graduating students, as they are about to graduate and again six months later, to share their plans for life after Wentworth through the Career Outcomes Survey. This is an opportunity to pay it forward as others did before you.
Once collected, the responses are compiled in an anonymous report that shares the story of the most recent graduating class. The goal is to provide current and future students with the information they need to make decisions about their major and career plans. Your response also helps Wentworth and Co-ops & Careers understand how to best support you and future graduates.
Accommodations: Accessibility, Parking and Mobility Support
I have guests who need accommodations, what arrangements are available?
Wentworth offers accessible parking (see parking information above) and we can arrange for assistive listening devices for the visually impaired (please send an email to to request a device). For the hearing impaired, American Sign Language interpreters are on site.
What time is the ceremony and how long will it last? Are there post ceremony receptions?
Spring Ceremony Start time is 1:00 p.m. Thursday, April 17, 2025 with reception following at 2:30 p.m.
Summer Ceremony Start times on Thursday, August 14, 2025:
- 10:30 a.m. with reception to follow at 12:00 p.m.
- 3:00 p.m. with reception to follow at 4:30 p.m.
(Note we will post the schools for each ceremony in the summer when we have the confirmed number of graduates by school - check back in the new year).
- When should my guests arrive? Doors open approximately 1 hour before the stated ceremony start time. Tickets will be scanned at the Parker Street entrance to the Quad, in the West Lot, and by the Treehouse near the Campus Store. Guests should be in their seats no later than 20 minutes prior to the start time as the processional will begin and no one will be able to take their seats while the processional is occurring.
- How long will the Ceremony Last? The ceremony will last approximately 1 1/2 to 2 hours.
- Post-Commencement Celebration Reception: At the conclusion of the ceremony, the students will recess out to the Quad. There will be light refreshments under the quad tent and an opportunity to gather with family, friends and faculty for photos and congratulations.
What if it rains? Will Commencement still be held outside?
- The event will take place rain or shine unless a national weather emergency is declared at which time we will make a determination in the days leading up to the ceremony and announce it via email and post details here and on our social platforms.
- The event is held inside a climate controlled tent (heat in the Spring, air conditioning in the Summer).
- Please dress accordingly for the weather.
Is there accommodation to feed and change a baby?
There are restrooms available in Beatty Hall which is the large concrete building adjacent to the Quad where the cafeteria and book store are located.
Do small children need a ticket to attend Commencement?
A ticket is required for children ages six (6) and older. Children under six (6) may be seated in your lap or in a stroller.
Parking & Transportation
Public transportation
- Check the MBTA website and Commuter Rail website for schedules. The mass transit system undergoes periodic disruption as they repair and update the tracks and equipment. We will post any known disruptions as soon as we receive notification but urge you to visit their sites for information.
Where is parking for students, guests and those needing accommodations?
Free Guest Parking is available in the following locations - it is first come, first serve and not guaranteed:
Limited Accessibility Parking is available in the West Parking Lot at 550 Huntington Avenue, corner of Ruggles Street and Huntington Ave. All cars must have either a valid handi-cap hang tag or sticker visible in order to access this lot. The parking attendant will check.
FREE General Parking is available as follows - it is first come, first serve and NOT guaranteed:
Mindoro Lot: 20 Mindoro Street, Boston
Halleck Street Lot: 100 Halleck Street, Boston
Annex Lot: 55 Annunciation Road, Boston - behind the building near the Greek Orthodox Church
Parker Street Garage at Sweeney Field: - new garage accessible via 111 Halleck Street, Boston (electric charging stations available)
PARKING NEARBY: There are several additional parking garages within walking distance to Wentworth. You can pay and park there for the day.
Renaissance Parking Garage: 835 Columbus Ave, Boston
Longwood Galleria Garage: 350 Longwood Ave, Boston
Simmons University Garage: 86 Avenue Louis Pasteur, Boston
MASCO Garage: 375 Longwood Ave, Boston
PARKING APP: Try Spot Hero - it will locate a garage near our address - 550 Huntington Avenue and tell you the walking distance, price and availability to reserve in advance.
Prohibited Items
Wentworth is a smoke-free, drug-free, and alcohol-free campus.
Security has the right to inspect any item at any time for the safety of the community.
Prohibited items must be returned to cars or disposed of before entering the venue and will not be accepted by employees. There will be no place offered to store any of these items.
Animals (Service animals are permitted with proper identification and a vest - see Wentworth's full policy regarding animals on campus)
Artificial noisemakers (including air horns, whistles, etc.)
Balloons (latex allergies and popping can disrupt the ceremony)
Cigarettes, cigars, pipes, vapes, marijuana, all forms of smokeless tobacco, clove cigarettes and any other smoking devices that use tobacco such as hookahs or simulate the use of tobacco such as electronic cigarettes - we are a SMOKE FREE campus
Fireworks of any kind (including smoke bombs and flares)
Flags on poles
Open flames
Illegal drugs or chemicals
Laser pointers
Signs on sticks
Signs that block the view of others
Skateboards, roller blades, roller skates, roller shoes, etc.
Unapproved pamphlets, handouts, advertisements, etc.
Weapons of any kind (i.e. Knives, stun-guns, slingshots, concealed weapons including those carried with a permit, firearms, etc.)
Other items as may be determined by the event security, staff or management.
Will there be a professional photographer taking photos of the graduates? Yes.
Grad Images will be the official photographer for Wentworth Institute of Technology’s commencement ceremonies.
Each student will be photographed twice, once as they are conferred their diploma by the president and again as they exit the stage in front of a Wentworth backdrop.
Each graduate will receive ordering information from Grad Images via their Wentworth email and via a mailing to the student’s address on file from their graduate application.
For additional information please visit the Grad Images website.
Guests may take photos from their seats, while seated. There is NO designated area at the front of the tent where photos can be taken during the ceremony and you will be asked to take your seat by security.
Guests are not permitted to stand in chairs, in the aisles, or to move to the front of the tent at any time as this is disruptive to the flow of the ceremony and to all attendees.
This is for safety reasons and to not block the views of others. We encourage you to consider purchasing professional photographs from Grad Images.
Personal photographs may be taken on the campus after the ceremony.
Watching Commencement Remotely
Will Commencement be available to watch online?
Yes, commencement will be livestreamed!
The event will be viewable via the Wentworth livestream
We recommend tuning in no later than 15 minutes prior to the start times listed for each ceremony.
The event will remain on our livestream channel to watch at a later date.
Will there be refreshments available?
Will food and drink be available at the commencement ceremonies?
Yes. Refreshments will be available for purchase at Tessie's Market (Campus Store at 525 Huntington Avenue) and in the Leopard Spot Cafe in Beatty Hall, 2nd floor next to the cafeteria.
Post-Commencement Reception
After each ceremony, there will be a 1 hour reception with complimentary cookies and drinks available under the tent on the Quad. Take photos with family, friends and faculty.
Wentworth branded merchandise, gifts and flowers for sale
Can I buy Wentworth merchandise during commencement?
The campus bookstore will be open to purchase diploma frames, gifts and souvenirs for graduates and guests before and after the ceremony.
The gift store is located in Beatty Hall on the ground level at the back of the building.
You can also order gifts on-line at the bookstore.
Will there be flowers and other gifts available for purchase the morning of the ceremony?
Yes, there will be other vendors on-site where you can purchase flowers and other gift items. The Commencement Group is the official gift vendor for commencement and will have locations on campus near the West Lot and on Parker Street. They donate a portion of the proceeds back to support student services. You can also pre-order gifts to pick up the morning of the ceremony.
Graduation Diplomas
When should I expect my diploma?
The Registrar's Office staff require 6 - 8 weeks from the official graduation date to clear all students for graduation. After this time diplomas, will begin to be mailed. A general guideline for this mailing is below:
If your graduation date is:
April, your diploma is expected to be mailed no later than June.
August, your diploma is expected to be mailed no later than October.
Name on Diploma
Diplomas are printed using the name you provided on the graduation application. If you need to update any changes to your diploma, please contact the Registrar's Office.
Mailing Address for Diploma
Diplomas are mailed to the address on your graduation application. Please contact the Registrar’s Office to make any changes to your address
Invitations to Commencement
Does Wentworth send a formal invitation to guests to attend the ceremony?
No, Wentworth does not send a formal invitation. Please see our webpage for an announcement card you can download and share with family and friends.
Senior Housing - Move Out
When do I need to move-out of my residence hall assignment?
- Spring graduates living in residential halls who are participating in commencement should plan to move out of their residence hall assignment no later than:
- 12:00 p.m. Friday, April 18, 2025
- (Summer dates will be posted at a later time)
- Students may check out through the main housing office on Friday or through use of the express checkout process in the main lobby of their residence hall to return keys.
- For move out related questions, please speak with your Community Advisor (CA) or contact the Housing & Residential Education at or 617-989-4160.
- Spring graduates living in residential halls who are participating in commencement should plan to move out of their residence hall assignment no later than:
International Visitors Attending Commencement
My family wants to attend the ceremony and they need a letter of invitation from Wentworth. Who can provide this so they can attend?
To have your family, relatives and friends attend your graduation ceremony, they will most likely need to apply for a tourist visa (B1/B2) to enter the United States.
Please encourage those wishing to visit you to review the visa application process on the website of the U.S. consulate in their home country as well as any travel restrictions/bans or CDC requirements in place when they plan to travel.
Since the purpose of a tourist visa directly involves a visit to you, it will be beneficial if you provide them with a “Letter of Invitation” written by you. (Open the link, save a copy to your computer, fill in the highlighted areas and send your copy to your family)
The “Letter of Invitation” should include the following attachments:
- A copy of your transcript showing you are enrolled as a student at Wentworth.
- A copy of the commencement page from our website which provides the date, time, and location of the ceremony.
- A copy of your Enrollment Verification Certificate from the National Student Clearinghouse
To obtain copies of your transcript and Enrollment Verification Certificate, please login to your MyHub account or email: for assistance.
(Revised: 5-24-2023)
Are animals allowed at commencement?
Animals are not permitted on Wentworth's campus unless they are in service. Please see Wentworth's full policy regarding animals on campus here.
Is there overflow space on campus for non-ticketed guests to watch the ceremony or space for them to hang out and wait?
Unfortunately, we do not have any overflow space or waiting space for any non-ticketed guests. Most of the spaces on campus are being used as part of the event and all other buildings are locked.
Do you have a question that has not been answered here?
For questions regarding the commencement ceremony, please reach out to the Commencement Team by email. We will do our best to respond within 2 - 3 business days during Wentworth's business hours - Monday through Friday between 9:00am and 5:00pm.
We will not be able to respond to emails in the 2-3 days prior to commencement as the team is in final preparation for the day. Please refer to the FAQ answers to the most commonly asked questions.
Thank you.