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Information for Current Students

Meal Plans

All residential students will enjoy their experience eating in our dining areas at Wentworth and within the Colleges of the Fenway. Residential students have the opportunity to select from a variety of meal plan options. Please check out the WIT's dining website for more information.

Please note:

  • All first-year students and residents of Baker Hall or Evans Way/Tudbury are required to choose the Platinum, Gold, or Silver plans. 
  • Second- through fourth-year students or transfer students who reside in 555, 610, Louis Prang/Vancouver or 525 will choose from Platinum, Gold, Silver, Ruby and Emerald when completing their Housing Agreement.
  • Meal plans are purchased by semester. Any dining points leftover from the fall semester will be added to the spring semester balance. If a student is living on campus for the summer, any dining points leftover from the spring semester will be added to the summer semester balance. All dining points for the academic year must be used by last day of finals in August of that year. Meal swipes do not rollover from semester to semester.
  • Students may alter their meal plan choice by clicking here. Changes to meal plans after the first four weeks of the semester will not be accepted. 
  • More information on Wentworth’s meal plans can be found at here.
  • Students can check their meal plan balance and add dining flex dollars here.

Laundry Services

Each residential student has access to laundry services available for use. Laundry services in community laundry rooms accept payment via credit card (including Apple Pay, Google Pay, etc.) as well as payment through mobile app. Students are encouraged to utilize the mobile app as it provides additional amenities such as creating an account, adding money to your account balance, receiving "wash complete" notifications, and viewing machines available for use. 

Image of laundry room


Laundry Locations

  • Evans Way, Tudbury Hall, and Louis Prang/Vancouver Street residential students: Evans Way Ground Floor
  • Baker Hall residential students: Laundry rooms are available on each floor
  • 555 Huntington Avenue residential students: 555 Huntington Avenue Ground Floor
  • 610 Huntington Avenue residential students: 610 Huntington Avenue Ground Floor
  • Apartments@525 residential students: In-unit laundry

Tips and Tricks for successful laundering:

  • Use the mobile app, Laundry Connect Pay! Instructions to download are available in laundry rooms
    • Use the app to pay, or use Apple/Google Pay
  • Read and follow the instructions available in laundry rooms, which include:
    • Washing Instructions
      • Load clothes loosely into washer and close door firmly
      • Laundry Detergent
        • If using tide pods, add the pod directly to the drum, prior to beginning the cycle. Tide pods do not dissolve well if placed in the detergent tray
        • If using liquid detergent, be sure to use 1/4 cup of High-Efficiency (HE) detergent
    • Drying Instructions
      • Clean the dryer lint screen prior to beginning your dryer cycle. 
  • Machine not working? Use the mobile app to report an issue with a certain machine

Housing Accommodations

To request a medical housing accommodation, you must be a full-time student in good academic, judicial and financial standing with the University; have paid the housing down-payment and have needs that necessitate such an accommodation. You must submit a request to the Accessibility Services unit within the Success Studio stating the accommodation you are seeking and include medical documentation supporting the request. You must reapply for accommodations each time you go through the housing selection or re-assignment process. For more information, please visit the Housing and Residential Education Policies and Procedures page for specific information about housing accommodations.

Responsible Use of Alcohol Policy


The Responsible Use of Alcohol policy allows residential students of legal drinking age to attain Responsible User status and possess a limited amount of alcohol in their living space.  


The Responsible Use of Alcohol policy applies to students who are 21 years or older and reside in the Apartments@525, 555 Huntington Avenue, 610 Huntington Avenue, and Louis Prang and Vancouver apartments. Students under the age of 21 cannot consume alcohol no matter where they reside on campus. No alcohol is allowed in Baker Hall, Evans Way Hall or Tudbury Hall at any time. 



In order to possess alcohol in a residential space: 

  • 66% of the residential students of the apartment must be at least 21 years of age; 

  • Each residential student of the suite 21 years or older must review and complete the Responsible Use of Alcohol education module with a passing score of 80% or higher, available on Brightspace; 

    • If you do not see the course or do not have access, email 

  • Once all the students who live in the apartment meet the Responsible Use of Alcohol policy criteria and have successfully completed the Responsible Use of Alcohol module, they will receive a Responsible Use of Alcohol certificate, valid for the academic semester they are in. 

  • The Responsible User Certificate will have the names of only the Responsible Users residing in a apartment and must always be posted on the inside of the apartment door. 


Alcohol Possession Limits: 

In apartments, students who are 21 years or older and meet the responsible user criteria are permitted to have only one of the following, per responsible user: 

  • Twelve (12) 12 oz. Beers, or; 

  • Twelve (12) prepackaged/premeasured 12 oz. beverages such as “Truly”, or; 

  • Up to 1.5L of wine, or; 

  • Up to 750ml. of hard liquor (up to 100 proof). 


The amount of alcohol in a room is limited to the number of occupants of legal drinking age present (e.g., in a suite with 6 occupants of legal drinking age, each resident of that suite may possess 12 beers/seltzers limiting the total amount of alcohol allowed in the suite at any given time to 72 beers/seltzers regardless of the number of guests). The university reserves the right, in its sole discretion, and the specific circumstances of a given incident, to determine the volume of alcohol which constitutes a violation of this policy. 


Alcohol Possession Restrictions: 

  • Any alcohol that a Responsible User student possesses must be stored in the student’s bedroom.  

  • To be able to possess and store alcohol in a bedroom, all residential students of that bedroom must be 21 years or older.  


Important Notes: 

  • Violations of the alcohol policy that occur in a suite or apartment where there are Responsible Users, will result in all Responsible User certificates being confiscated and the Responsible Users in that suite losing that status. 

  • Students who are found responsible for providing alcohol to minors may be placed on University Probation. 

  • If a new resident who is not 21 years or older moves into a Responsible User apartment and the apartment falls below the 66% 21-year or older eligibility criteria, the Responsible Use of Alcohol certificate will be rescinded. 

  • As per the Guest Policy, regardless of age, no guest is permitted to bring alcohol onto campus. 

  • Students should review other important rules and regulations related to Alcohol in the Student Code of Conduct (e.g., Section 2, Subsection 1). 


See also: