Title IX

Wentworth Institute of Technology is committed to providing education and resources to prevent sex discrimination and sexual misconduct. Wentworth is committed to maintaining a safe and welcoming environment that is free of sexual harassment, including rape, fondling, dating and domestic violence, stalking and retaliation are violations.
The University prohibits sex discrimination in any education program or activity that it operates, as required by Title IX, including in admission and employment. Any questions about Title IX, its applicability to the University, or the University’s Sexual Misconduct policy can be directed to the Title IX Coordinator, the Office for Civil Rights, or both.
The University’s Sexual Misconduct Policy contains an explicit prohibition on discrimination and discriminatory harassment based on sex, definitions of prohibited conduct, an outline of the process for reporting an allegation of discrimination based on sex or gender, an explanation of the grievance process, information about on and off campus resources and available supportive measures, and a description of ongoing prevention and education programs.
Allegations of sex or gender-based discrimination and sexual misconduct may be reported to the University’s Title IX Coordinator, Catlin Wells, and/or the Wentworth Police Department. Catlin Wells can be contacted via phone at (617) 989-4119 or via email at wellsc1@wit.edu. The Wentworth Police Department can be contacted via phone at (617) 989-4444.
Office for Civil Rights- Boston Office
Office of Institutional Equity and Title IX
Catlin Wells serves as the Executive Director of Equity and Compliance and Title IX Coordinator.
Catlin Wells, M.Ed., J.D.
CEIS 204
(617) 989-4119