Diversity and Global Engagement Student Involvement

Student Involvement
The Center for Diversity and Global Engagement provides different ways for students to get involved in diversity, equity, and inclusion work. The CDGE encourages all students to be active member of the Wentworth community. Here are some ways to do that:
Student Clubs & Organizations
The CDGE oversees 18 student club/organizations that are rooted in diversity and social justice work. These organizations represent the many racial, gender, sexual and religious/spiritual identities of our students. These organization are led by Wentworth students with a common goal of representation and visibility on campus.
Clubs are open to all.
- Alpha Omega
- Asian Student Association (ASA)
- Campus Crusade for Christ (CRU)
- Catholic Student Association (CSA)
- Cape Verdean Student Association (CVSA)
- Caribbean American Student Association (CASA)
- CROWNS (Women of Color group)
- Hispanic International Student Union (HISU)
- Islamic Society at Wentworth (ISWIT)
- Multicultural Student Association (MSA)
- National Organization for Minority Architects (NOMA)
- National Society of Black Engineers (NSBE)
- Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers (SHPE)
- Society of Women Engineers (SWE)
- Wentworth African Student Union (WASU)
- Wentworth Alliance (WITa)
- Women's Council
- Wentworth Jewish Club (WITJC)
Mentoring Programs
My Brother’s Keeper
Based on President Obama's initiative, my Brother's Keeper is a program for men of color at Wentworth that focuses on brotherhood, academics and professional success. MBK members engage in education and social activities that allow them to form community with one another while receiving personal support from staff members from The Center for Cultural and Global Engagement.
Designed for first-year students of color entering Wentworth, Bridges provides new students the opportunity to meet and get to know returning students through social activities. Bridges allows mentoring and personal relationship to form through these interactions.
Women's Mentoring Program
This Women's Council initiative helps build mentoring relationships between returning and first year students. This student-led initiative begins with a day-long program, which allows students to learn more about campus resources, attend educational sessions, and get to meet women faculty and staff.
Queer Peers
Through a mentoring relationship, this program wants Queer first-year students to begin building a supportive network at Wentworth. Participants will create mentoring relationships with returning students in the hopes to build their Queer identity as a member of the Wentworth community. It allow students to meet other Queer students while learning more about campus resources, attend educational and social activities, and get to know faculty and staff.
Leadership Education
The Equity Leadership Series (ELS) engages students in a series of workshops that focus on equity and change. This series increase students' knowledge around equity and inclusion topics and strengthen their skill-sets to engage in social change. ELS fosters students' commitment and passion towards social justice education and develops their interest and passion into action and change. Past topics include:
- Power, Bias, & Privilege
- LGBTQ Activism Throughout History
- Understanding Intersectional Feminism
- Social Identity and the Power of Language
- Taking Stock of Immigration & Crime Research
- Pictures, Gender, and Politics in American History
- Advancing Equity in STEM
Women's Leadership Institute was created to embolden women leadership at Wentworth. The Women's Council has partnered with Wentworth staff members to create engaging sessions for students to take advantage of.
This institute covers the following:
- Skill building around personal and community advocacy.
- Community building with other women at Wentworth.
- Navigating professional and personal spaces.
- Understanding the impact of stereotyping on the individual and community level.
- Addressing how to support the needs of Wentworth women and the larger community.
- Salary negotiation techniques.
Advocacy Groups
The CDGE manages three student-led advocacy groups that work directly with Wentworth administration to ensure students input is being heard.
Women’s Council
The Wentworth Women’s Council (WWC) was founded in the spring of 2018 to bring together a group to discuss efforts all campus. The mission of the Women’s Council is to promote and support the academic, professional and social success of Wentworth women. The Women’s Council has decided to use the term “Wentworth Woman” to make a distinction between those who work and attend Wentworth. Anyone can be a woman at Wentworth, but current students are and will always be Wentworth women.
Black Wentworth Coalition
The Black Wentworth Coalition (BWC) was created to advocate for the concerns and needs of Black students at Wentworth Institute of Technology. BWC will amplify and validate Black voices on campus while providing support to those who need it. The Black Wentworth Coalition wants to address the lack of attentiveness and support that many Black students have felt from Wentworth as a university and from its Wentworth Student Government (WSG). BWC wants to work closely with members of the administration to address issues of discrimination and racism that occur at Wentworth. Many Black students have felt invisible and silenced for years and the BWC wants to ensure students are being seen and being heard. BWC wants administration to be direct when discussing issues of equity and inclusion to make sure Black students are not forgotten about.
Equity & Community Union
The Equity and Community Union (ECU) is a student-led organization determined to address the needs of all Wentworth community members through a Diversity, Equity and Inclusion lens. The ECU started with student leaders coming together to discuss the lack of DEI training in their positions and now it has evolved to help create and implement lasting changes across the university to ensure everyone feels welcome regardless of their identities and backgrounds. The ECU believes that everyone has a unique mix of identities that make them who they are and is important for all Wentworth community members to feel supported and represented at all levels of the university.
MIDAS Tutoring Program
In partnership with Wentworth's Success Studio, The Mathematics Integrated Diversity Academic Support (MIDAS) is a peer tutoring and academic support program for BIPOC students at Wentworth. Students saw a need for academic support for students of color at Wentworth and they created MIDAS to provide such space while giving students a comfortable learning environment facilitated by students who they can identify with. The goal of MIDAS is to foster culturally responsive learning environments and community while supporting students' academic journeys.
MIDAS tutoring takes place every Tuesdays and Thursdays from 3-5 PM in Watson 002. Please note that 3-4 PM are drop in hours and 4-5 PM is available for group tutoring sessions.
Diversity Advocates & CDGE Ambassadors
The Center for Diversity and Global Engagement has two paid opportunities for students to engage with the work that members of the CDGE do throughout the year. Diversity Advocates (work-study positions) assist in creating a welcoming environment within the center while completing daily tasks. Ambassadors (non-work-study positions) organize and implement interactive and passive programs to educate students on diversity, equity, inclusion, and social justice issues and topics.
Looking for More?
The CDGE encourages students to stop by the center (Beatty 031) or email members of the staff to inquiry about other ways to get involved. The CDGE hosts programs throughout the year that students can attend and participate in.