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Transfer Credit

If you would like to view available courses at Wentworth for the upcoming semester, please explore the Course Schedule.

Please email questions about transferring credit to Wentworth to

Colleges of the Fenway courses are not considered transfer credit. For questions about COF courses, please contact the Registrar's Office at or visit the COF Webpage.

Students are not permitted to transfer a course to WIT for grade replacement. For grades of "C-" or below, grade replacement courses must be completed at WIT.

Transfer Credits for Current Students

For Wentworth students who would like information on transferring credits in from another institution.

  • Transfer Credit Pre-Approval Form & Directions

    If a current Wentworth student would like to take a course for credit at another college or university and transfer the credits to Wentworth, a Pre-Approval Form must be submitted to your School representative before enrolling in a course at another institution.

    The Pre-Approval Form can be found here. The form must be filled out completely and emailed to the School offering the course for processing and approval. Once the School has approved your course, they will send it to After we receive the approved form, we will process it and send confirmation of the approval. The Registrar's Office will not process a form that is submitted without School approval. 

    Failure to submit a Pre-Approval may result in the denial of course credit. 

    A course will transfer to Wentworth for the same amount of credit awarded at the transfer institution. If a course is 3 credits at the transfer institution, and the equivalent course is worth 4 credits at Wentworth, the course will transfer to Wentworth for 3 credits, not 4.

    The Pre-Approval only confirms that credit will be awarded for a course taken outside of the institution, but it is up to the School and degree program how the course will be applied to the student's degree requirements. For this reason, students should speak to an advisor before enrolling in a course outside of Wentworth to ensure that the transfer course will fulfill a program requirement.

    After having completed the course at the transfer institution, the student must request to have an official transcript sent to the attention of the Wentworth Institute of Technology Registrar's Office at Transfer credit will not be awarded until the transcript from the transfer institution is received. 

    Please note: Students are not permitted to transfer a course to WIT for grade replacement. For grades of "C-" or below, grade replacement courses must be completed at WIT.

  • Wentworth Transfer Course Equivalency Database

    The database below lists all accrediting bodies and universities recognized by Wentworth. If a particular course at another institution is not listed within the database, it means that Wentworth’s the Associate Dean of the appropriate School has not yet evaluated this course.  In order for a new course to be evaluated and included in the database, the official syllabus of the course may be requested from the student. 

    Wentworth Transfer Course Equivalency Database

    Steps to Follow to Determine Course Equivalency at Wentworth:

    1. Visit the Wentworth Transfer Course Equivalency Database via the link above and locate the applicable transfer college or university.
    2. Find the course within the database.
      • If course is not found within the database, skip steps 3 and 4 and proceed to Step 5.
    3. Complete the Transfer Credit Pre-Approval form and submit to
    4. Upon completion of the course, submit final transcript to

    If the course is not found within the Wentworth Transfer Course Equivalency Database:

    1. Submit the syllabus/course description of the course to for evaluation by the Associate Dean of the appropriate School.
  • Transfer Credit Policy

    Wentworth awards transfer credit if a course from another institution is comparable in content and depth to a course offered at Wentworth, and if the student received a grade of “C” or higher in the course. No academic credit is awarded for internship/co-op, practicum, directed research, preparatory, first year experience courses, continuing education courses, remedial courses, a course worth less than 2.66 credits, or courses with grades of P/S/NC/W/IP. Additionally, no course 5 years or older is transferable for credit, and students will be awarded a maximum of 50% of the credits required of their major.

    An Associate Dean of the School of the course will evaluate credits based on University policy. In some cases, a syllabus may be requested from the student. The Associate Deans of the Schools of the course will review the course description, and/or syllabi in their assessment of a course from another institution. The Associate Dean's decision on transfer equivalency is final.

  • How Transfer Credit May Be Used

    Up to 50% of Wentworth degree requirements can be satisfied by transfer credits or test credits.  Students must complete all major requirements with a cumulative GPA of 2.0 on a 4.0 scale to graduate with a Wentworth degree. 

    Transfer credit may be applied towards the following components of a Wentworth degree:

    • Major Requirements: A list of the majors available at Wentworth (along with their requirements) can be found in the Academic Catalog.
    • Humanities & Social Sciences (HSS) Requirements: The number of required HSS credits varies based on the requirements of each major. Additional information regarding HSS credits and elective credits can be found here.
  • AP, IB, PLTW, DE, & CLEP

    **AP Score Changes Effective Fall 2022**
    AP COMPUTER SCIENCE A EXAM - Scores of 4 and 5 accepted
    AP CALCULUS AB EXAM - Scores of 4 and 5 accepted
    AP CALCULUS BC EXAM - Scores of 4 and 5 accepted

    Students can receive credit through Advanced Placement (AP), International Baccalaureate (IB), Project Lead the Way (PLTW), Dual Enrollment (DE) and College-Level Examination Program (CLEP) exams.  Detailed information regarding which scores are accepted by Wentworth is available here.

  • Measuring Progress toward Graduation – Degree Audit

    A degree audit is an analysis of a student’s academic progress towards completing their degree. Degree audits can be accessed via LeopardWeb (the student portal).  Once a student’s transfer credits have been entered into the Wentworth system, the degree audit will reflect which degree requirements have been fulfilled by displaying a TR grade for the transfer credit. Because the degree audit is coded to require 4 credit courses to fulfill requirements, this creates a credit discrepancy when a student earns transfer credit for a 3 credit course. Please note, if there is a credit differential between the transfer course and the course offering at Wentworth, the Degree Audit will display No under, “Requirement Met.” Even though the audit says No, the requirement has been met if you earned credit for the course, even if it is less than 4 credits.

    Any questions regarding graduation requirements can be directed to the student’s Academic Advisor or Student Success Advisor.

    Example of a degree audit.

Transfer Credits for Prospective Students

  • Transfer Student FAQ's - What You Need to Know

    How do I have my credits transferred to Wentworth?

    Incoming transfer students will be required to send an official academic transcript listing all completed courses to the Office of Admissions upon application. Once the official transcript is received, the process of assessing the students transfer credit will begin.

    What is a Transfer Credit Evaluation?

    A transfer credit evaluation is a document which records all of the courses a student has taken at another institution, and the equivalencies that the student will receive credit for at Wentworth. The Associate Deans of the Schools make the determinations on course equivalencies, and once the transfer credit evaluation is completed, it will be sent to the student by their Admissions Counselor.

    What type of credit can be transferred?

    Wentworth currently accepts transfer credit from accredited colleges and universities, as well as AP, PLTW, IB, and dual enrollment credit. More info about which courses we accept can be found here.

    How many credits can I transfer?

    Students are able to transfer a maximum of 50% of the credits required of their major. As an example, a Computer Science major will be awarded 60 transfer credits, as their major requirement is 120 credits total.

    Are there any classes I may not receive credit for?

    Wentworth will not allow the transfer of credit if the final letter grade is a C- or below. Wentworth is also unable to accept transfer credit that is less than 2.66 credits, or graded as P/S/NC/W/IP.  No academic credit is awarded for internship/co-op, practicum, directed research, preparatory, continuing education courses, remedial courses, and no credit 5 years or older will be considered for credit.

    Do I need to submit a portfolio?

    Prospective Architecture, Industrial, and Interior Design students are required to submit a portfolio of previous work that showcases the students disciplinary talent. The Associate Dean of the School of Architecture & Design will review the student's portfolio and decide what requirements the portfolio will fulfill for the specific major.

    When will I receive my schedule?

    A schedule will be created by the Associate Dean of the students School upon the review of the students transfer credit, after the student submits their deposit.

    Where do I look up transfer credit equivalencies?

    To see which courses from other institutions that Wentworth currently accepts for credit, please use this link to view Wentworth’s Transfer Equivalency Database. The database lists all accrediting bodies and universities recognized by Wentworth with class transfer equivalencies. If a particular course at another institution is not listed within the database, it means that Wentworth’s academic departments have not yet evaluated the course. In order for a new course to be evaluated and included in the database, the official syllabus of the course may be requested from the student in order to best assess the course and its equivalency.

  • Transfer Credit Policy

    Wentworth awards transfer credit if a course from another institution is comparable in content and depth to a course offered at Wentworth, and if the student received a grade of “C” or higher in the course. No academic credit is awarded for internship/co-op, practicum, directed research, preparatory, first year experience courses, continuing education courses, remedial courses, a course worth less than 2.66 credits, or courses with grades of P/S/NC/W/IP. Additionally, no course 5 years or older is transferable for credit, and students will be awarded a maximum of 50% of the credits required of their major.

    An Associate Dean of the School of the course will evaluate credits based on University policy. In some cases, a syllabus may be requested from the student. The Associate Deans of the Schools of the course will review the course description, and/or syllabi in their assessment of a course from another institution. The Associate Dean's decision on transfer equivalency is final.

  • Wentworth Transfer Course Equivalency Database

    The database below lists all accrediting bodies and universities recognized by Wentworth. If a particular course at another institution is not listed within the database, students must submit a transfer pre-approval form and include the course description, and if available, the course syllabus to the Associate Dean of the School of the course.

    Wentworth Transfer Course Equivalency Database

  • How Transfer Credit May Be Used

    Up to 50% of Wentworth degree requirements can be satisfied by transfer credits or test credits.  Students must complete all major requirements with a cumulative GPA of 2.0 on a 4.0 scale to graduate with a Wentworth degree. 

    Transfer credit may be applied towards the following components of a Wentworth degree:

    • Major Requirements: A list of the majors available at Wentworth (along with their requirements) can be found in the Academic Catalog.
    • ​​Humanities & Social Sciences (HSS) Requirements: The number of required HSS credits varies based on the requirements of each major. Additional information regarding HSS credits and elective credits can be found here.
  • Transfer Credit Evaluation

    Transfer student applicants will receive an initial transfer credit evaluation after they are accepted to Wentworth. Deposited students will receive an updated version of their evaluation, as well a class schedule for their first semester at Wentworth.

    Below is an example of a detailed transfer credit evaluation from Wentworth: 

    Example of a detailed transfer credit evaluation form.

    More information on how to read this evaluation is provided in the image below:

    More detailed example of the evaluation form.

    Courses that apply directly to a student’s major and fulfill a major requirement will be designated with an “X” in the “Meets Major Requirement” column.  Courses can transfer to Wentworth in a number of ways, such as an elective course or a direct equivalent.

  • Portfolio Requirement – Architecture & Industrial/Interior Design

    Students applying to the Architecture, Industrial Design, or Interior Design program who wish to have applicable coursework from another institution(s) considered for transfer credit are required to submit a portfolio of their work for review by the Faculty of the School of Architecture and Design. 

    A portfolio is a single, well-organized document that combines images and texts laid out on a page, with captions and/or brief texts. The portfolio should show the best drawings or a project from each of the architecture and/or design classes completed and clearly indicate the course number, title, semester, and year that the course was taken and whether or not it was a group or individual project. The organization and narration of the body of work are as important as (or more important than) individual work samples. The portfolio should be submitted as either a PDF file or as a link to an online website. 

  • Measuring Progress toward Graduation – Degree Audit

    A degree audit is an analysis of a student’s academic progress towards completing their degree. Degree audits can be accessed via LeopardWeb (the student portal).  Once a student’s transfer credits have been entered into the Wentworth system, the degree audit will reflect which degree requirements have been fulfilled by displaying a TR grade for the transfer credit. Because the degree audit is coded to require 4 credit courses to fulfill requirements, this creates a credit discrepancy when a student earns transfer credit for a 3 credit course. Please note, if there is a credit differential between the transfer course and the course offering at Wentworth, the Degree Audit will display No under, “Requirement Met.” Even though the audit says No, the requirement has been met if you earned credit for the course, even if it is less than 4 credits.

    Any questions regarding graduation requirements can be directed to the student’s Academic Advisor or Student Success Advisor.

    Example of a degree audit.

  • AP, IB, PLTW, DE, & CLEP

    Students can receive credit through Advanced Placement (AP), International Baccalaureate (IB), Project Lead the Way (PLTW), Dual Enrollment (DE) and College-Level Examination Program (CLEP) exams.  Detailed information regarding which scores are accepted by Wentworth is available here.

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