Capstone 2021 Mechanical Engineering

Baja Braking System
Jonathan Weaver, Joshua LeClaire, Robert Coulter
Faculty Advisor: Xiaobin Le
Wentworth’s SAE (Society of Automotive Engineers) club participates in the yearly Baja race. The Baja race is designed to test the car in various terrains, turns, obstacles, and jumps while testing the school and the team’s ability to overcome challenges. Our capstone group, consisting of Jonathan, Joshua, and Robert, has the task of designing and testing a functioning new brake system that complies with the rules from the SAE Baja Rulebook. In section B.7.1 it states, “The vehicle must have a primary hydraulic braking system that acts on all wheels and is operated by a single foot pedal. The pedal must direct actuate the master cylinder through a rigid link (cables are not allowed). The brake system must be capable of locking and sliding all wheels, both in a static condition as well as at speed on pavement and on unpaved surfaces. Brake pedals shall be fabricated or machined from steel or aluminum and be designed to withstand a maximum brake pedal force of 450lbf (2000N)”. The project consists of designing the components around these constraints and around the future Baja car design. We manufactured components on a CNC mill as well as researching and purchasing compatible components. Combining these aspects of the project, we will have a fully functional brake system. This braking system will be put through multiple tests to ensure that it will be optimized for competition.
Adaptive Motorcycle Headlight
Jack Casey, Troy DeLuca, Justin Gabiosa, Ezra Jethro-Enedouwa
Faculty Advisor: Douglas Sondak
Without sufficient lighting along roads, visibility becomes a concern for motorcyclists, especially when maneuvering through tight turns. The problem with motorcycle headlights currently is that they are fixed to the bike, which limits visibility around corners. When a motorcyclist leans to make a turn, the headlight tilts at the same angle, creating dark voids where they will be looking. This poses a safety issue as the rider can not see a safe distance in front of them at all times. The Adaptive Motorcycle Headlight would address these visibility concerns, operating with 2-axis movement in both the tilt and pan directions to eliminate unnecessary dark voids.
Adaptive Motorcycle Headlight Project Video
Watch the Adaptive Motorcycle Headlight video here!
Erik Fuhrmann, Matt Desrochers
Faculty Advisor: John Voccio
When working on mechanical assembly projects, Allen keys are tedious to organize and manage, and take up lots of space. Allen keys are commonly lost and can only be replaced by purchasing another entire set. The objective of this project is to design a compact tool that can rapidly deploy and change between tool sizes, while seamlessly increasing workflow and efficiency for users. Through the use of 3-D printing, CAD modeling, and rapid prototyping, this tool will create a new all in one approach to Allen key sets and mechanical projects. Efficiency is the end result of this product design. The tool should be easy for the consumer, beneficial to mechanical projects, and easily manufactured.
Automotive Engine Electric Water Pump
Jonathan Kosmas, Greg Lestage, Brian MacKenzie, Benjamin October
Faculty Advisor: Anthony Duva
This project proposes an automotive electric water pump and identifies why it is important to re-evaluate the standard mechanical system in modern automotive applications. The team’s objective in this project is to design a water pump capable of replacing the mechanical system, while maintaining the same efficiency. The project pursued research to identify important theoretical concepts and features to consider when developing an automotive electric water pump. Progress of the group has been carefully documented during the research and design cycle which is available within the final project report. The goal of the team is to design an electrical water pump to be universal / scalable for automotive applications. Project deliverables include SolidWorks component /assembly 3-D models, SolidWorks Flow Simulation, Efficiency Curves, and SolidWorks Detailed Parts Drawings of the pumps and individual components. Key words / Phrases: Automotive, Electric Water pump, Heat soak back, Impeller design
Automotive Engine Electric Water Pump Project Video
Watch the Automotive Engine Electric Water Pump video here!
Bike Generator and Phone mount
Matthew Orsie, Abdulrhman Eskandar
Faculty Advisor: Xiaobin Le
The objective of this project is to create an augmented generator for a bicycle and a phone mount. The idea behind this generator is to offer a solution to cyclists who want to have the same advantages that automobile commuters have. In a car, you have access to many different utilities like charging your devices, listening to music, etc. On a bicycle, that utility is limited, however, installing an augmented generator that allows you to charge your devices using electricity generated from mechanical energy is a quality of life change that some riders may enjoy. The Generators' purpose is to utilize the mechanical energy garnered from riding a bike and harnessing that energy in order to generate electricity. This electricity will be stored in an onboard battery which can be used to charge the user’s phone, bike light, etc. In addition, there will be an affordable and strong phone mount to accompany the generation system.
Complex Carbon Composite
Masood Hasan, Huy Le, Duong Vo, Paolo Xilau
Faculty Advisor: Douglas Sondak
Roll bars represent one of the most significant pieces of equipment for personal protection in every sports car and in particular, rally vehicles. They are generally made of thin steel gauge pipes, welded together to assemble a safety structure. The frame has to be designed to withstand the forces during impacts to reduce the risk of injuries for drivers and navigators. Our team identified flaws within the typical roll bar that is used today as far as the material choice and overall structural integrity goes. Our project was aimed at creating a composite tube made of different carbon fiber materials that could be used to not only strengthen other structures but also as a stand-alone substitution to what is already used in the industry in terms of Roll Bars. Our goal was not only to simply replace the material that is used in current roll bar technology but also to create and incorporate an internal structure that would improve the composite’s mechanical properties. A typical roll bar in the automotive industry today uses steel due to its favorable mechanical properties however steel is not lightweight and when it comes to a vehicle, reducing weight is a large portion of the overall designing process which is what led to our project.
Complex Carbon Composite Project Video
Watch the Complex Carbon Composite video here!
Easy to Walk Ski Boot
Jack Foley, Joey Manfrete, Troy Morse, Jake Renzi
Faculty Advisor: Douglas Sondak
The Easy-To-Walk ski boot is made to improve upon the traditional rigid ski boot. Today downhill skiing boots are safe, durable, and supportive but the traditional design does not offer any movement in the ankle making it difficult to walk in. To erase this problem our team acquired and reconstructed ski boots, and then utilized SolidWorks design along with Finite Element Analysis and 3D printing technologies to design a boot that allows a skier to transition their boot from skiing to walking without compromising safety or support. Our design is made up of a two-piece boot utilizing a latch mechanism to switch between a walking mode and a skiing mode. Our team analyzed many different latch variations and settled on a mechanism that functions similarly to the locking mechanism on carabiners. In the skiing mode, the latch is “down” and engaged between the upper and lower parts of the boot creating the traditional sturdiness of a ski boot. On the other hand, when the user wants to walk, the latch is disengaged and “flipped up” allowing them to gain up to 50 degrees of movement in the ankle while walking!
Elderly Assistance Chair
Tristan Maus, Matthew Roberts, Ali Sollecito, Alex Whittingham
Faculty Advisor: Anthony Duva
As one ages, their mobility decreases, due to joint stiffness, imbalance, and muscle weakness. Sometimes everyday movements – such as sitting and standing – require assistance over time. Often, motions such as these are difficult for the elderly, who are less stable and at high risk to fall. One way of preventing the elderly from fall injuries is by assisting them from sitting to standing (and vice versa). The goal of this project is to design and evaluate an assistance chair that can be used to aid an older person to a standing/seated position. There are several aspects of the standing/sitting motion that must be considered (such as foot, seat, back, and hand placement) as well as the height and stature of a person. The team has developed a chair design which includes independent motions to facilitate both standing and sitting by accommodating the mobility assistance needs of an elderly person.
Elderly Assistance Chair Project Video
Watch the Elderly Assistance Chair video here!
Extremity Body Armor
Benjamin Clough, Keegan Lynch, C J Wixon
Faculty Advisor: John Voccio
Body armor has been used to protect soldiers, important officials, and civilians alike since the time we were able to forge strong metals, starting around 1400 BC. However, advancements in weaponry required this metal armor to increase in thickness, making it too heavy to wear and retain full movement. During the Cold War, material advancements such as the invention of Kevlar and the use of Titanium and Ceramic in hard armor, ballistic protection once again was viable. This armor focused on protecting vital organs from the smallest calibers such as .22 up to the largest: .30-06. Ballistic helmets also exist providing shrapnel protection and protection against high caliber handgun rounds, such as .44 Magnum. Currently, there is no comparable protection for the arms and legs. While most of the important organs are protected by conventional body armor, vital arteries such as the Femoral and Brachial are unprotected. Our Extremity Body Armor intends to solve this issue through an easy to wear armor system that provides protection to these exposed areas. It is a combination of an AR400 steel plate covered in Kevlar. The plate is carried in an easy to wear compression shirt or shorts, depending on if the plate is covering the arm or leg.
Firefighter Assistance Stair-climbing Technology (F.A.S.T.)
Alden Vedder, Nate Vitale, Shane Walsh, Brendan Winch
Faculty Advisor: Bo Tao
A motorized dolly is designed to assist firefighters carry heavy load while moving up staircases.
View the PDF for Firefighter Assistance Stair-climbing Technology (F.A.S.T.)
Firefighter Assistance Stair-climbing Technology (F.A.S.T.) Project Video
Watch the Firefighter Assistance Stair-climbing Technology (F.A.S.T.) video here!
Focused Solar Energy Water Purifier
Ben Cassola, Benjamin Graffam, David Peloquin, Parker Schoppe
Faculty Advisor: Anthony Duva
The project goal was to create a concentrated solar rainwater purifier to serve underprivileged communities. Specifically, a small design capable of providing enough clean drinking water for two adults without using any electricity. The purifier design was analyzed to ensure it can distill eight liters of water over an eight-hour time period. The two main mechanical systems of our design are a boiler and a condenser. The rainwater is boiled using concentrated solar energy via a Fresnel lens, while the steam is then condensed through a custom copper coil design. Various sources were utilized to assist in creating theoretical equations used to design the purifier. A small-scale model was fabricated to verify the theoretical calculations. Through our analysis and testing we were able to conclude that this project is viable as the space required for our device will not be intrusive for most families and communities. Key words and Phrases: Solar water distillation, Rainwater Purification, Boiler / condenser, Fresnel lens
Focused Solar Energy Water Purifier Project Video
Watch the Focused Solar Energy Water Purifier video here!
Hazardous Area Robotic Arm (HARA)
Robert Moran, Erin Morton, Craig Rich, Rick Woodward
Faculty Advisor: Bo Tao
HARA is a robotic arm designed to operate via a radio wave communication. It can be used to assist essential workers in hazardous working environment.
Hazardous Area Robotic Arm (HARA) Project Video
Watch the Hazardous Area Robotic Arm (HARA) video here!
Homeless Pod
Serge Mbassa, Rayan Peters
Faculty Advisor: John Voccio
As coronavirus has affected almost every part of life, one change that we have noticed is the significant increase in the amount of homeless people. Walking around the streets of Boston and New York City, we have noticed an increased number of people forced to spend the cold winter with no shelter. According to the HUD, Massachusetts has an estimate of 18,471 people experiencing homelessness in 2019, with 3,766 that were family households, 917 veterans, 480 young adults (aged 18-24) and 2,370 individuals with chronic homelessness. The number of people experiencing homelessness has increased exponentially in the past few years, especially because of the effect of the pandemic. People are forced to live outside under tough conditions because they don’t have any alternatives.
Gavin Fischer, Steven Russman, Paul Sender, George Wishart
Faculty Advisor: Bo Tao
A Raspberry Pi based image senor is designed to interact with a variable air volume (VAV) controller, in order to effective run the AC system in a target space (room), by varying the fan speed. The sensor detects the number of occupants in a target room through image processing.
Michael Bernardo, Christopher Boucher, Adam Doolittle, Nikolai Gabardi, Ben Miller, Paul O’Brien
Faculty Advisor: Haifa El-Sadi
Remote controlled aircraft capable of transporting payloads and towing a sensor during flight.
Optimization of a Vertical Axis Wind Turbine
Noah Beauchamp, Badr Bouhou, Tatiana Kiss-Coviello, James Pinkava
Faculty Advisor: Anthony Duva
The project includes research, detailed simulation, and design of the design of a small-scale vertical axis wind turbine (VAWT) that works within a residential setting, intended to reduce power load from homes on their local electric grid. Location dependent research of wind power availability and typical household power consumption was utilized to define the working specification of a VAWT. Peer reviewed research papers were used as references in determining governing equations needed for detailed design of the VAWT. A simulation was developed using Microsoft Excel to tabulate initial conditions for obtaining VAWT design dimensions. The open-source software Q-Blade was used to confirm the hand calculations by comparing theoretical power based on the turbine dimensions with those obtained from the Excel simulation. Designs / documentation were developed using SolidWorks 3-D modeling software and SolidWorks Flow simulations were conducted to analyze theoretical power output data. Results obtained compare power produced at varying revolutions per minute of theoretical data to actual obtained data of turbine design. International codes and standards were used to verify the validity of turbine design. Detailed turbine assembly and tolerancing studies were also conducted and documented on the final drawings. Key words and Phrases: Vertical Axis Wind Turbine, VAWT, Decentralized Power Generation,
View the PDF for Optimization of a Vertical Axis Wind Turbine
Optimization of a Vertical Axis Wind Turbine Project Video
Watch the Optimization of a Vertical Axis Wind Turbine video here!
Peppy Pump Jr.
Alexander Schettino, Bikrant Shrestha, Nicolas Gonzalez Tredinick
Faculty Advisor: John Voccio
Sponsored by Hilliard's Chocolates
The Peppy Pump Jr. has been chocolate pump distributed by Hilliard’s Chocolate Systems for nearly 30 years. Due to the recent development of the outside manufacturer shut down their operations in 2019 this presented the opportunity for improving the design and manufacturing the pump in house. Due to the chaos of the pandemic this delayed development of an improved design allowing opportunity for our group to undertake the task of improving the user controls and automating the movement of the limit sensors.
Portable Capstan Winch
Ryan Kalayjian, Liam Murphy
Faculty Advisor: John Voccio
For our Capstone project we aimed to make a portable capstan winch that can better assist in rope access work and recreational climbing. This idea came from youtuber Ryan Jenks and his channel ‘HowNOTtoHIGHLINE’ after we reached out to him on ideas to make his life as a climber easier. Currently Jenks uses a DIY capstan winch using a gas-powered lawn mower engine, a bulky metal frame and a series of chains and pulleys that in total weigh close to 100 lbs. This 100 lb. winch plus the gas it takes to power it, along with the climbing gear that Jenks and his team must take with him, has proven to be taxing.
Portable Hydroelectric Generator
Trevor Gilmore, David Gonthier, Niko Reny, Liam Rooney, Chris Sweeny
Faculty Advisor: Douglas Sondak
The purpose of our project is to provide a more convenient way for people to access moving water as a renewable energy resource. This has been accomplished through the use of a low head Kaplan-style turbine, to capture energy from flowing bodies of water. As student engineers, we believe that the utilization of hydroelectricity will become increasingly more important in the future, as climate change progresses and fossil fuels are used up. Unlike several other forms of hydroelectricity, this technology has no negative environmental impacts, like those associated with building dams. This portable turbine generator is at optimal performance when used in fast moving bodies of water. For instance, streams and rivers are ideal locations to use this device. The group plans to show proof of concept using the device to power an LED for a demonstration.
Portable Hydroelectric Generator Project Video
Watch the Portable Hydroelectric Generator video here!
Portable Hydropower Generator
Brendan Bannon, SJ Park, Adam Walters
Faculty Advisor: Anthony Duva
This project researched many crucial factors to consider when working with hydropower on a small scale. The hydropower turbine design requirements included: generating sufficient energy to power and charge mobile devices along with being portable and compact enough to carry in an average backpack. The design uses the siphon method to pull water from the high point of a small river dam to the low point and due to the low dam height of typical streams encountered during camping, power generating required using a custom designed Kaplan turbine / generator. The pipes used to carry the flow of water vary in size so that they can fit inside one another enabling easy storage. Detailed analyze of the turbine was conducted using SolidWorks Flow simulation to evaluate the design’s capability of producing adequate power. Using SolidWorks flow simulations and calculated values for our inlet and outlet pressures, we ran a variety of simulations needed to optimize our turbine design and identify the limitations for this type of project. These simulations allowed us to gather torque, velocity, flow rate, and rotational speed values for our design, as well as visual representations of the flow around the turbine. While working on this project our team hoped to gain a better understanding of hydropower, as well as gain more experience with fluid simulations and computational fluid dynamics. Key words and Phrases: Small Scale Hydropower, CFD, Portable hydropower generation
Portable Hydropower Generator Project Video
Watch the Portable Hydropower Generator video here!
Rainwater Collector and Purifier
Trevor Esmel, Hassan Fahad, Jacob Marcus, Jake Miller
Faculty Advisor: Anthony Duva
The project focuses on a major issue in the world which is the lack of clean drinking water. The system design will harness an often-forgotten source of water which is rain. By collecting rainwater and using a solar purification method, we will also be creating a greener environment as we are simply managing our natural resources in a smarter way. Our purification process utilizes collected falling rainwater, which is boiled using a solar energy collection parabolic trough. The steam will be condensed to a liquid state in the condenser designed to also preheat the water entering the solar boiler from the storage tank. The purified distilled water leaving the condenser will be stored in a secondary collection tank. This process will utilize a renewable resource and will not have a carbon footprint enabling a major step in the right direction for both aiding those in need of clean drinking water and supporting overall planet greenhouse emission reductions. Key words and Phrases: Solar water distillation, Rainwater Purification, Greenhouse gas reduction
Reducing Wentworth's Carbon Footprint
Rohan Ayachit, Ryan Doherty, Rachel Serra, Alex Wood
Faculty Advisor: Bo Tao
Sponsored by EYP
Data analysis is used to examine Wentworth's gas and electricity usage, in order to determine which buildings would benefit the most from the implementation of energy saving technology. A software and hardware solution has been pursued with promising outcomes.
Reducing Wentworth's Carbon Footprint Project Video
Watch the Reducing Wentworth's Carbon Footprint video here!
Reengineering of TG Gallagher’s Manufacturing Processes
Melissa Paume, Tom Rockwell, Ashley A. Tampellini
Faculty Advisor: Xiaobin Le
Sponsored by TG Gallagher
TG Gallagher has given three Mechanical Engineers and three Construction Management students an opportunity to collaborate and improve their management, workflow, and workshop. As the team of Mechanical Engineers, we have come up with four solutions to improve and enhance TG Gallaghers overall workflow and workstations. To improve the use of carts that hold fittings, pipes, and other miscellaneous items, we have come up with a meshed grid to go over the carts and convert u-shaped bottoms to flat bottoms. This allows workers to easily switch the cart from holding large boxes or pipes to holding small fittings in less than a minute. We also gave an alternate route for the workstation workflow to create an improved linear flow of work throughout the workshop. Additionally, we have improved the hanger station in two ways. We found alternative carts to hold the hangers ranging in all sizes. This would eliminate issues with the preexisting carts, which are made up of a gridded mesh that causes hangers to poke out or become damaged during transport. We also came up with a device that spins the hex nuts onto the threaded rod. Currently, all hex nuts are spun by hand which makes the process slow and inefficient. The prototype is a bevel gear design that is 3D printed and assembled. The idea is that the device is connected to a drill similar to a drill bit that allows the user to quickly place the hex nut to any point on the threaded rod. Together, the designs would improve the overall workshop workflow and create a more efficient system.
View the PDF for Reengineering of TG Gallagher’s Manufacturing Processes
Reengineering of TG Gallagher’s Manufacturing Processes Project Video
Watch the Reengineering of TG Gallagher’s Manufacturing Processes video here!
Remotely Adjustable Suspension
Matt Grochawalski, Tommy Madigan, Steve Vatchev
Faculty Advisor: Douglas Sondak
This project focuses on the design, development, evaluation, and analysis of a remotely adjustable vehicle suspension system. This system is aimed to improve vehicle performance for a variety of road conditions. The proposed design is achieved through modifications to a Mazda Miata upper control arm. The modifications allow the upper control arm to change position of the upper ball joint. This change in position alters the suspension geometry, more specifically, changes the caster, camber, and toe in/out of the vehicle to cause alignment corrections to meet the operator's preference and optimize performance. The design itself was analyzed through SolidWorks studies to produce expected resultant forces on the system. Future applications of this design are expected to help improve performance characteristics of many vehicles not just the Mazda Miata. Furthermore, the advantage of our design allows immediate adaptability of the suspension alignment, which enables maximum suspension performance for the desired terrain or driving style the operator chooses.
Remotely Adjustable Suspension Project Video
Watch the Remotely Adjustable Suspension video here!
Safe Snow Remover
Tyler Hall, Diego Fuenmayor Pineda, Payton Stearns
Faculty Advisor: Bo Tao
An electrical heating system is design to remove accumulated snow over the roof of large trucks. The heating intensity is dependent on the amount and thickness of the snow cap. Arduino programming is used for heater control.
Small Scale Injection Molding Machine
Bjorn Armiri, Alec Barber, Noor Hassan, Josh Huston
Faculty Advisor: Anthony Duva
The project focus was to research, design and build a small-scale injection molding machine. This system designed is capable of molding Disc Golf Discs at full scale. The project was divided into two areas of design focus with two smaller sub-groups. One group’s focus will consist solely with the frame design of the injection molding machine; assembling the frame as well as the components that reside within the frame. They were responsible for simulating the mechanical loads created from the linear actuator along with the thermal loads from the heaters. The other sub-group focused on the design and development of the mold based upon sport’s design regulations for disc. Utilizing the Manufacturing Center and Projects Laboratories at Wentworth, the team fabricated the mold. Due to COVID restrictions, the majority of the system integration and testing was performed off campus to ensure the health and safety. Key words and Phrases: Injection Molding, Disc Golf, Mold Design
Small Scale Injection Molding Machine Project Video
Watch the Small Scale Injection Molding Machine video here!
Smart Ladder
Ben Coleman, Liam Fitzpatrick, Allison Haynes, David Pelczar
Faculty Advisor: Douglas Sondak
The Smart Ladder is an attachment onto an extension ladder designed to increase safety and stability. When properly set up, a ladder is level between both feet, and 75.5 degrees off the floor. The system was designed with homeowners and contractors in mind using a no cut attachment method to the ladder, a stabilization spike for soft ground, and electrical sensors to determine the angle the ladder is set at. The system meets the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) safety standard of 1250lbs of weight. This attachment was designed to be an improvement from the current standard of ladder stabilization and leveling system. These systems include other leveling systems that require the user to cut or deform the ladder to attach the system, or simply placing a rock or kicking dirt under the ladder feet to level the placement. The Smart Ladder does not require the user to cut or deform the ladder to attach the assembly. It attaches with ratcheting boat straps above and below the first rung of the ladder. Other systems on the market have typical ladder feet at the bottom of the leveling, The Smart Ladder has a stabilization system built into the ladder foot to deploy stabilization spikes when the ladder is used on soft surfaces like grass, dirt, or mulch that are controlled by a foot pedal. The overall goal of the assembly is to reduce the 164,000 yearly emergency room visits due to ladder related injuries.
Snow Roomba
Greg Lagana, Juan Jose Boschetti Muniz, Aiyana Weekes-Tulloch
Faculty Advisor: John Voccio
The snowblower/yard tools market is widely filled with several popular competitors like Dewalt, Ryobi, Snow Joe, and EGO Power+, just to name a few. To combat the increase in injuries during the harsh Winter season our product will use GPS navigation to help decrease but hopefully eliminate the number of hospital visits caused by shoveling or pushing heavy snow.
The Eco Dryer
Brianne McCrystal, Drew Coutts
Faculty Advisor: John Voccio
Many restrooms have some form of hand drying method available. However, with climate change many people are being conscious of energy use and waste going into trash landfills. Current Hand dryers seen in public restrooms are electric. Paper towels create a significant amount of waste. Places with limited electricity (campgrounds, parks, developing countries, etc.) won’t be able to use electric hand dryers and paper towels are contributing to filling up the globe’s landfills. Our prototype hand crank hand dryer attempts to address all of these issues.
The Mirror Clearer
Andrew Joachim, Steve Matin, Luke Vigna
Faculty Advisor: Bo Tao
Create a standalone device that is attached to a vanity mirror to defog the mirror surface during or after a shower.
The Sewer Scout
Preston Rutledge, Hillary Valenzuela, Caleb Weldon
Faculty Advisor: Bo Tao
A remote-controlled robotic vehicle is design to survey a typical sewer pipe with on-board image senor and motor-powered drive mechanism.
Thermal Vibrating Foam Roller
Juan Cedeno, Nick Haddad, Kyle Litwin, Nathan Gosselin
Faculty Advisor: John Voccio
The goal of this project is to combine our existing engineering knowledge with additional research to solve a problem with a product and bring this product to a theoretical market launch to showcase what we have learned in our 4 years at Wentworth Institute of Technology. We were given approximately 6 months to complete this task, and this report serves as a final report to reflect on our journey through research, project planning, product development, and testing. The product we chose to bring to life is a Thermal Vibrating Foam Roller. It was designed to be an all-in-one solution to athletic performance and recovery. It is widely known in the athletic community that heat and tissue percussive massage are 2 of the best ways to lengthen, strengthen, and increase flexibility in muscles, ultimately increasing peak performance output [1]. As four Division III athletes, we chose this product to merge our passion for engineering with sports performance and recovery, as well as fill a void in the market with a product that could have helped our athletic development in our athletic careers. We hope that this product can serve to help other athletes in their recovery.
Tour Guide Bot
Sabbir Ahmmed, Igor Carvalho, Bryant Gill, Jeffrey Lynch, Maxwell Young
Faculty Advisor: Haifa El-Sadi
This project is to a design and prototype a tour guide robot that give tours around the Makerspace to visitors on campus. The robot is able to answer questions and provide information about the activities which are taking place on the campus. The body of the robot is intended to be in the image of the Wentworth Leopard mascot and designed to promote social interaction between the user and robot. Robot is open sourced and will be a template for students to learn engineering skills.
Water Power Generator
Delvin Duncan, Evan Kirk, Stephanie Mini, Makenna Salsbury
Faculty Advisor: John Voccio
The use of hydroelectric power is one of the oldest sources of renewable energy in which energy is extracted from flowing water. The goal for the team is to optimize rainwater from a gutter system in order to produce electricity suitable for small applications. Utilizing the bases of how hydroelectric power is created, the team wanted to miniaturize the scale of the turbine to fit along the side of a residential building. The prototype consisted of a gutter, flapper system, downspout, turbine, a shaft with a gear, and a motor system (that is manipulated as a generator) with gears and a battery. With varying rainfall, the team looked into water storage to accumulate the irregular intervals of rainfall.
Wentworth Water Purification Team
Simon Chin Lee, Ramona Dias-Gaylor, Emmanuel Georgoudis, Rattapong Kaewsiripong
Faculty Advisor: Haifa El-Sadi
The goal of this project is to provide clean water to families in third-world countries. We want to create a filtration system that doesn't consume power and can provide adequate drinking water for an average family. We also want to make this a low-cost, easy-to-maintain device. Our final design will have a multi-stage filtration system, the unclean water will be pumped through using a vacuum-style hand pump
Wentworth Water Purification Team Project Video
Watch the Wentworth Water Purification Team video here!
Improve Your Prefabrication
Lindsey Stasi, Jake DiGangi, James Chung (Construction Management)
Faculty Advisor: Fopefoluwa Bademosi, Payam Bakhshi
Sponsored by TG Gallagher
The TG Gallagher and Wentworth Collaborative Capstone Project is focused on improving prefabrication efforts within TG Gallagher's current operations. The sponsored project reviewed, defined, and developed a current state workflow process map which was utilized as a baseline for research and recommendations for improvement. An ideal state process map for prefabrication was subsequently developed, and specific interventions were identified for testing. The project team ultimately proposed utilization of the full extent of the ManufactOn and Procore software systems, focused application of LEAN concepts for construction, and engagement of critical findings from the deployed survey to enhance current operations.
View the PDF for Improve Your Prefabrication
Improve Your Prefabrication Project Video
Watch the Improve Your Prefabrication Project Video here!