Capstone 2021 Engineering Junior Design

Emergency Life Vest For Toddlers
Carlos Dominguez, Maggie Ludlow, Angel Vidal
Faculty Advisor: James McCusker
In order to reduce the number of child drownings, a device needs to be created that will keep the child’s head above the water as well as notify a parent or guardian of this event’s occurrence. Statistics show that 350 children a year will drown in pool related accidents. The purpose of the device will be to reduce this number as much as possible. With values on how quickly a child can drown, research was conducted on how to create an inflating life vest that is safe for use with children

A Spatial Symphony
Joe Camara, Will Everest, Ethan Rowe, Eddie Smith
Faculty Advisor: James McCusker
The Spatial Symphony project is aimed at implementing a nature inspired, interactive, art display in the central commons of the library at Wentworth Institute of Technology. Building from work done by previous design groups our team is tasked with finalizing the design and implementation. This will entail combining the existing subsystems in an elegant manner into an art display to be enjoyed by the Wentworth community.

Thermally Controlled Gloves
Abraham Phillips, Nick Barooshian, Noah Banks
Faculty Advisor: James McCusker
Peripheral Neuropathy is a condition that seriously effects the peripheral nervous system. People with this disease may have trouble adjusting to changes in temperature. Individuals with peripheral neuropathy may experience further damage to their hands due to their inability to discern temperatures. To solve this problem our team has designed a thermally controlled glove to allow people with peripheral neuropathy to combat colder temperatures.