Foundational Wellness: Physical Health

While considering Foundational Wellness, it is imperative that we outline and review physical health. This topic, at its core, is the state of your physical body. It is taking a broad approach to exploring topics ranging from hygiene practices to accessibility, from sexual health education to teaching about cold and flu. Within this area, we are able to understand both the topics as well as the related healthcare resources and support systems in place. Through this education, we can identify ways to make individual and environmental adaptations or behavioral shifts that are needed to support communal well-being.
Sexual Health
A state of physical, mental, and social well-being in relation to sexuality. The knowledge and skill to be healthy and safer in their sexual interactions.
The focus of health and wellbeing that identifies and addresses the experiences of people within the LGBTQQIP2SAA community.
Womxn's Health
The focus of conditions and experiences that impact female-identified persons and biological women.
Men's Health
The focus of conditions and experiences that impact male-identified persons and biological men.
Personal Health & Hygiene
The way that an individual cares for their body. Keeping all parts of their physical body clean and healthy.
Healthy/Hygienic Environment
Keeping the space around you clean and healthy. This helps foster better physical and mental health.
The awareness of need for equal health, well-being, and environmental access as it impacts individuals of all ability status.
Ailment Education
Education on illness. This is including both acute and chronic illness.
Body Awareness
Education on illness. This is including both acute and chronic illness.
Body Awareness
How connected you are to your body. Recognizing where your body is in its spatial surrounding.
Health Care Systems
Agencies and organizations that provide medical support and care to individuals and communities.
Sexually Transmitted Diseases or Infections
A bacteria, virus, or parasite that creates an infection that is passed from one person to another through sexual intercourse.
Sexual Assault
Unwanted sexual interaction. This forced act is inflicted upon an individual who does not give consent.