Immunization Compliance Information
Immunization Deadlines
Fall Admits Deadline
Fall Admits: Please do not create a Castlebranch account until you have submitted your deposits to admissions.
More information will be sent out via email, mail, and posted on our website.
Fall Admits Deadline
Wentworth will require all students to demonstrate - via CastleBranch - that they have received all required immunizations by July 1st.
Fall Students: Please do not create a Castlebranch account until you have submitted your deposit to admissions.
More information will be sent out via email, mail, and posted on our website.
Spring Admits Deadline
Wentworth will require all spring admits (incoming and transfer students) to demonstrate - via CastleBranch - that they have received all required immunizations by January1st.
Castlebranch Accounts
Please create your account using your WENTWORTH Email Address
If you have not created a CastleBranch account, please refer to the Wentworth Vaccine website for more information on uploading your vaccine information.
To support a seamless vaccine compliance process for our students, Wentworth is using CastleBranch, an independent compliance company working with many colleges and universities, to provide a HIPAA-compliant, vaccine portal. This portal will allow our students to upload all their medical vaccine documentation and to access their medical vaccine records at any time in the future if they need these documents for work, travel, or additional schools of higher education.
- Please contact with any additional questions.
Incoming and Transfer Students Immunization Requirements
Incoming students will access the CastleBranch portal and upload the vaccine documentation required by the state of Massachusetts for all undergraduate and graduate students under the age of 30 including:
- Varicella
- Tdap
- Hepatitis B
- Meningococcal (for students under the age of 21)
In addition, all undergraduate and graduate students can upload COVID-19 and Flu Vaccination documents to their CastleBranch accounts.
COVID-19 and Flu Vaccination Information
Public health experts advise that being fully vaccination and boosted against COVID-19 and the flu is critical to enhancing immunity and public health. Accordingly, Wentworth is strongly encouraging all students to be vaccinated and boosted against COVID-19 and the flu annually.
Exemptions to Required Immunizations
Students seeking medical or religious exemptions to the required vaccines should upload that documentation to the CastleBranch portal for approval. Students with exemptions to vaccines should be aware that in the event of a positive screening for, or exposure to, an infectious disease, you will be excluded from campus access for the duration of the contagious period.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) for Vaccine Requirements for Students
Are returning students required to submit vaccinations?
Returning students are strongly encouraged to continue to submit future vaccine documentation to their CastleBranch accounts. This may include COVID-19 boosters, updated TDaps, as well as annual flu vaccines.
Can I just email Wentworth my vaccine records?
No, email is not a secure form of communication and Wentworth does not have an internal HIPAA compliant platform in place to collect all students immunization records. Students will set up an account with CastleBranch for their medical vaccines and exemption documentation.
Can students seek an exemption to medical vaccines?
Yes, students are able to upload exemption documentation into their CastleBranch account. Medical exemption letters must come from a medical doctor. Religious exemption letters must come from a student (or a parents for students under age 18) and note that medical vaccines conflict with deeply held religious beliefs. Per MA law, these exemption requests must be submitted annually.
Where should I direct questions about issues with my CastleBranch account if I chose the wrong platform, cannot recall my login, need to confirm my documents were approved, etc?
Any questions related to vaccine documents, approvals, login issues, etc should be directed to CastleBranch. The Service Desk is available to assist you via phone, chat and email Monday-Thursday 8:00 am-8:00 pm & Friday 8:00 a.m. - 6:30 p.m. & Sunday 10am- 6:30pm EST 888-723-4263 or
What happens if I choose not to submit my required vaccines?
Most of the vaccines (or approved exemptions) are required by the state of Massachusetts before beginning the school year. Students who do not submit their documentation will be unable to begin classes and/or move into the residence halls.
Does Wentworth encourage students to vaccinated and boosted against COVID-19?
Wentworth strongly encourages all students to be fully vaccinated and boosted against COVID-19. We have seen the majority of our faculty, staff, and students fully vaccinated and know that vaccinations are the best way to keep our community healthy going forward.
Will Wentworth host vaccine clinics for students?
Wentworth will routinely provide on-site COVID-19 and flu vaccine clinics for faculty, staff and students.