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Immunization Compliance Information

Incoming Students Vaccine Compliance

Your Account Should be created using your Wentworth Email Address 

Fall Admits : Please do not create a Castlebranch account until you submit your deposit to admissions. More information will be sent out via email, mail, and posted on our website. 

The state of Massachusetts requires all full-time undergraduate and graduate students to submit proof of medical vaccinations. A list of required vaccinations can be found here: MA Gov Immunizations

Wentworth is strongly encouraging all students to be fully vaccinated and boosted against COVID-19 to promote the health and safety of the campus community.

Fall Incoming students will receive an email early may indicating they should submit required vaccinations by July 1st. 

Castlebranch Logo for Immunizations Database Requirements Incoming Students

Immunization Deadlines

  1. May 01

    Fall Admits Deadline

    Fall Admits: Please do not create a Castlebranch account until you have submitted your deposits to admissions.

     More information will be sent out via email, mail, and posted on our website. 

  2. Jul 01

    Fall Admits Deadline

    Wentworth will require all students to demonstrate - via CastleBranch - that they have received all required immunizations by July 1st. 

    Fall Students: Please do not create a Castlebranch account until you have submitted your deposit to admissions. 

    More information will be sent out via email, mail, and posted on our website. 

  3. Jan 01

    Spring Admits Deadline

    Wentworth will require all spring admits (incoming and transfer students) to demonstrate - via CastleBranch - that they have received all required immunizations by January1st. 

  • Castlebranch Accounts 

    Please create your account using your WENTWORTH Email Address

    If you have not created a CastleBranch account, please refer to the Wentworth Vaccine website for more information on uploading your vaccine information.

    To support a seamless vaccine compliance process for our students, Wentworth is using CastleBranch, an independent compliance company working with many colleges and universities, to provide a HIPAA-compliant, vaccine portal. This portal will allow our students to upload all their medical vaccine documentation and to access their medical vaccine records at any time in the future if they need these documents for work, travel, or additional schools of higher education. 

  • Incoming and Transfer Students Immunization Requirements

    Incoming students will access the CastleBranch portal and upload the vaccine documentation required by the state of Massachusetts for all undergraduate and graduate students under the age of 30 including:

    • MMR                          
    • Varicella                    
    • Tdap                          
    • Hepatitis B                
    • Meningococcal (for students under the age of 21) 

    In addition, all undergraduate and graduate students can upload COVID-19 and Flu Vaccination documents to their CastleBranch accounts. 

  • COVID-19 and Flu Vaccination Information 

    Public health experts advise that being fully vaccination and boosted against COVID-19 and the flu is critical to enhancing immunity and public health. Accordingly, Wentworth is strongly encouraging all students to be vaccinated and boosted against COVID-19 and the flu annually.  

  • Exemptions to Required Immunizations 

    Students seeking medical or religious exemptions to the required vaccines should upload that documentation to the CastleBranch portal for approval. Students with exemptions to vaccines should be aware that in the event of a positive screening for, or exposure to, an infectious disease, you will be excluded from campus access for the duration of the contagious period.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) for Vaccine Requirements for Students

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