Mental Health Trainings

The Center for Wellness provides free groups, workshops, and programming throughout the year to offer additional services and support to students. Please see the list of groups and programs below:
Men’s Mental Health Online Course
- Men’s Mental Health is a multi-part, asynchronous, online learning course that is designed to support Wentworth students in better understanding how college-aged men experience and address mental health challenges. It’s free to access, can be taken at any pace and any time, and open to all WIT students. You’ll learn from text, short quizzes, and video to offer basic information about men’s mental health and explore how factors like stigma and hegemonic masculinity affect how men think about, experience, and seek support for their mental health.

Take our free Anxiety 101 Module
Anxiety 101 is an asynchronous, online learning module that is designed to support Wentworth students to have a better understanding of anxiety and how to treat it. The module takes between 30 to 45 minutes to complete and you can stop and return back to it at a later time if needed. It uses text, short quizzes, and videos to offer basic information about anxiety and to explore how factors can impact someone's mental health. While the module’s content focuses on anxiety, it is our hope that all current Wentworth students might find value in its contents. Throughout this course you will learn what anxiety entails, anxiety and the brain, identifying triggers of anxiety, coping skills for anxiety, and how to find support in treating anxiety.

Take a Free DBT Module
Dialectical Behavioral Therapy is an evidenced based therapy that involves increasing coping skills for interpersonal relationships and strong emotional reactions. The DBT module that was created by the Center for Wellness looks at four specific coping skills. Its main goals are to teach people how to live in the moment, develop healthy ways to cope with stress, regulate their emotions, and improve their relationships with others. The module takes between 45 to 60 minutes to complete and you can stop and return back to it at a later time if needed. It uses text, short quizzes, and videos to offer basic information about utilizing DBT skills and to explore how the skills can positively impact your mental health. While the module’s content focuses on improving certain skill sets, it is our hope that all current Wentworth students might find value in its contents. The module was created to help and support students in learning and implementing DBT skills within your own life independently. Throughout this course you will learn the basics of what DBT is and four separate therapeutic skills to improve your mental health along with how to find support and connect with professionals.

Take a Free LGBTQIA2S+ Module
The LGBTQIA2S+ Module is an interactive, asynchronous, online-learning course for WIT Students, faculty and staff. The module discusses the unique behavioral health disparities that the queer community is faced with through the lens of the Minority Stress Model, and the protective factors that strengthen one’s resilience. This self-paced course provides information on gender identity, sexuality, terminology, pronoun usage 101, and microaggressions. The course concludes with an abundance of mental health resources in the Boston area for LGBTQIA2S+ Youth.

Move for Mental Health
The Counseling Services of MassArt, MCPHS University and Wentworth Institute of Technology are joining forces with the Schumann Fitness Center to enhance the benefits of counseling with movement. Counseling helps people who are struggling with symptoms of anxiety and/or depression, but the addition of physical activity can enhance those benefits. Research on the connection between movement and mental health has shown that increasing your activity level and engaging in a regular habit of movement can help to decrease the symptoms of anxiety and depression, and improve well-being.

The program includes:
- Regular sessions with your counselor
- A pre-screening with a physician at Student Health Services to ensure there are no serious medical conditions (no shots, we promise!)
- A one-on-one introductory meeting with Mike to talk about your activity history and those things that you’ve loved doing or always wanted to try
- Weekly meetings with Mike, your own personal trainer
- Weekly Mindfulness & Meditation class
For more information please contact or call 617-989-4390.
OneWIT — Connect • Support • Thrive
It's 3 a.m. You're up late finishing your part of a group project when you get a DM. You look at your phone and see a message from your friend: "This is the worst night of my life. I've been crying for hours. I can't deal with this stupid life anymore." You want to respond quickly, but hesitate…What can you say? What if things you say only make it worse? What if your friend is thinking of…You don't even want to go there. You want to help, but you're just not sure how…
OneWIT’s training program gives you the tools to handle this kind of situation.

Learn How to Help Friends When They Need You Most
Wentworth’s OneWIT six-week training program gives you the skills to help friends in need of mental health support. We discuss mental and emotional health, warning signs of a friend who’s struggling, how to talk about issues, plus on and off-campus resources. We have created interactive and engaging activities to help you gain skills and confidence in your ability to respond effectively when you find yourself in a similar, very real, situation.
OneWIT is NOT a training to become a peer counselor, but simply to help you feel prepared to assist a friend or peer in getting the support they may need from resources on and off campus. Beyond the OneWIT training, you’re not committed to any other activity or responsibility. Learn more about students’ experiences in the article about a similar program at Worchester Polytechnic Institute.
The primary goal of OneWIT is to expand and enrich the campus support network so every member of our community has people looking out for each other — and all know where to go for help when things get tough. To achieve this end, we have a few secondary goals.
- Knowledge. To give you information about common student struggles, and what you and others can do to help.
- Skills. To help you develop your helping skills, particularly the skill of empathetic listening and responding, through practice.
- Perspectives. To provide a safe place to look at issues facing college students from a variety of viewpoints and find a way to think about these without perpetuating stigmas.
- Connection. To build meaningful connections, both between you and us at the Center for Wellness, and between you and your fellow trainees.
For more information please contact or call 617-989-4390.
Mental Health First Aid
Mental Health First Aid is a course that teaches you how to identify, understand and respond to signs of mental illnesses and substance use disorders. The training gives you the skills you need to reach out and provide initial help and support to someone who may be developing a mental health or substance use problem or experiencing a crisis.