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Living on Campus: Housing & Meal Plan Rates

Housing and Meal Plan Rates

  • Academic Year 2024-2025

    Housing Rates
    Academic Year 2024-2025
    LocationOccupancy TypeCost Per SemesterCost Per Academic Year (Fall 2024 and Spring 2025)
    555 Huntington AveSingle$7,990$15,980
    555 Huntington AveDouble$7,548$15,095
    555 Huntington AveTriple$7,275$14,550
    610 Huntington AveSingle$7,990$15,980
    610 Huntington AveDouble$7,548$15,095
    Baker HallDouble$6,423$12,845
    Baker HallTriple$6,118$12,235
    Evans Way/TudburySingle$7,148$14,295
    Evans Way/TudburyDouble$6,423$12,845
    Evans Way/TudburyTriple$6,118$12,235
    Evans Way/TudburyQuad$5,898$11,795
    Louis Prang/Vancouver StreetStudio$7,663$15,325
    Louis Prang/Vancouver StreetSingle$7,548$15,095
    Louis Prang/Vancouver StreetDouble$7,028$14,055

    Meal Plan Rates
    Academic Year 2024-2025

    All students with a residential housing assignment must select a full or partial residential meal plan. All first-year residential students, and those residing in Evans Way Hall, Tudbury Hall and Baker Hall, are required to purchase the Silver, Gold, or Platinum Plan. Students may request a change in their meal plan before or during the first four weeks of the semester through the meal plan change request form available at No changes to meal plans will be made after the first four weeks of the semester. 

    Meal plans may include a certain number of block meal swipes and/or a certain number of dining points. Dining points from meal plans carry over from semester to semester with the continued participation in a meal plan. At the close of the academic year, unused dining points are forfeited and are non-refundable. Unused block meals expire at the end of each semester. This is at the discretion of the University’s dining provider and is subject to change. More information regarding Dining Services is available at

    • Full Residential Meal Plans 
      • Platinum (Unlimited Anytime Meals + 150 dining points): $3,255/semester 
      • Gold (225 Anytime Block Meals + 500 dining points): $2,700/semester 
      • Silver (175 Anytime Block Meals + 700 dining points): $2,370/semester 
    • Partial Residential Meal Plans 
      • Ruby (1050 dining points): $1,105/semester 
      • Emerald (525 dining points): $555/semester 
    • Summer Residential Meal Plans 
      • Ruby (1050 dining points): $1,105/semester 
      • Emerald (525 dining points): $555/semester 
  • Academic Year 2025-2026

    Housing Rates
    Academic Year 2025-2026
    LocationOccupancy TypeCost Per SemesterCost Per Academic Year (Fall 2024 and Spring 2025)
    555 Huntington AveSingle$7,990$15,980
    555 Huntington AveDouble$7,548$15,095
    555 Huntington AveTriple$7,275$14,550
    610 Huntington AveSingle$7,990$15,980
    610 Huntington AveDouble$7,548$15,095
    Baker HallDouble$6,423$12,845
    Baker HallTriple$6,118$12,235
    Evans Way/TudburySingle$7,148$14,295
    Evans Way/TudburyDouble$6,423$12,845
    Evans Way/TudburyTriple$6,118$12,235
    Evans Way/TudburyQuad$5,898$11,795
    Louis Prang/Vancouver StreetStudio$7,663$15,325
    Louis Prang/Vancouver StreetSingle$7,548$15,095
    Louis Prang/Vancouver StreetDouble$7,028$14,055

    Meal Plan Rates
    Academic Year 2025-2026

    All students with a residential housing assignment must select a full or partial residential meal plan. All first-year residential students, and those residing in Evans Way Hall, Tudbury Hall and Baker Hall, are required to purchase the Silver, Gold, or Platinum Plan. Students may request a change in their meal plan before or during the first four weeks of the semester through the meal plan change request form available at No changes to meal plans will be made after the first four weeks of the semester. 

    Meal plans may include a certain number of block meal swipes and/or a certain number of dining points. Dining points from meal plans carry over from semester to semester with the continued participation in a meal plan. At the close of the academic year, unused dining points are forfeited and are non-refundable. Unused block meals expire at the end of each semester. This is at the discretion of the University’s dining provider and is subject to change. More information regarding Dining Services is available at

    • Full Residential Meal Plans 
      • Platinum (Unlimited Anytime Meals + 150 dining points): $3,353/semester 
      • Gold (225 Anytime Block Meals + 500 dining points): $2,781/semester 
      • Silver (175 Anytime Block Meals + 700 dining points): $2,441/semester 
    • Partial Residential Meal Plans 
      • Ruby (1050 dining points): $1,138/semester 
      • Emerald (525 dining points): $572/semester 
    • Summer Residential Meal Plans 
      • To Be Announced.

Current Student Information

  • All students are required to live on campus for their first two years. For information about the Residency Requirement, including how to request an exemption, please visit our Residency Requirement information on the Residential Policies page.
  • If you are a current student in need of housing, please complete the "Housing Request Form" form.
  •  Students requesting housing accommodations should contact Accessibility Services