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Eye-Catching Webpage for Co‑ops & Careers Unveiled

collage of cartoon characters and portraits of people

One of Wentworth’s hallmarks has long been its vaunted cooperative learning (co-op) program. Students have earned hands-on experience at real companies since 1975, and the university’s Co-ops & Careers office continues to find success for our students, with 10,000 students working at 780 companies since 2016 alone. 

But for prospective students and families, what is the co-op program and why is it so important? To answer those questions in a fun and informative way, Wentworth overhauled its co-ops webpage, implementing videos of students sharing their stories, a handy graphic showing the difference between co-ops and internships, data points, FAQs, and a whimsical map showing some of the locations co-ops have worked in the Northeast area.