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1904 Society

gold box with the words 1904 society

The 1904 Society honors, celebrates, and recognizes alumni and friends who have made a commitment to support Wentworth Institute of Technology through a planned or deferred gift. These future gifts contribute to the growth and success of Wentworth, and they will benefit future generations of Wentworth students and faculty.

James F. Adams,* MW&TM ’51

George V. Albert,* Sr., AC ’46

Charles T. Anderson*



Michael T. Anthony, IET ’82, MA ’84, Hon. ’15

Sherman L. Ayers,* EC ’28

Harry D. Azadian*, EC '42

Barbara A. Balboni, AET ’84, AEC ’86, P’89

Mr. Lawrence A. Barbuto, Jr.

Robert W. Basile,* AET ’62

Louis C. Beggs, MC&TD ’43, Hon. ’13

Frank S. Bent, P’03 and Johanne N. Bent, P’03

George L. Bent,* MW&TM ’51

Ronald G. Betts

Roger R. Bilodeau, AET '62 and Helen Bilodeau

Benjamin Blake*

Jack Blaisdell, MDE '70, MET '72 and Kathy Blaisdell

Robert A. Booker, BCS ’75

Armand E. Bourgeois,* MC&TD ’50, Hon. ’00

Dorothy Bourget*

Robert W. Boyden, MC&TD ’52, MC&TD ’58, Hon. ’98 and Carol A. Boyden

John E. Brooks, IE ’53, P’90 and Jean A. Brooks, P’90

David L. Brown,* PET ’59

Mary Z. Bryant

Reinhold A. Carlson, EC ’50

Lloyd A. Carney

George W. Chamillard,* IE ’58, Hon. ’97

Maureen Chamillard and George Chamillard*

Donald L. Champagne, MED ’62

Paul Cherkas,* AC&D ’42

Paul C. Chrestensen, MED ’62

Kenneth H. Clark,* AC ’58

Peter R. Comeau, MPE ’70, MEC ’72

Robert W. Cookson,* MC&TD ’57

William M. Coombs, PLS, CHE ’62

Jack G. Corey, AET ’64

Herbert H. Cowern, MCTD’53

William G. Creelman, BC ’64

Richard L. Cudmore, AME ’52

Russell F. Decatur,* EC ’51


Gerald H. Deshaies, EEE ’61, P’84

Vincent DeVito,* BC ’38, P’62, P’69 and Ethel DeVito*

Robert DiMeo, EEE '66

John S. Ducat, MC&TD ’51

Theodore W. Edwards, Jr., MEP ’64

William R. Egan

A. W. Erickson,* Jr., Hon. ’86

Charles E. Farrington, CHE '65

David B. Fein, EEE ’80, EE ’82

Angelo R. Firenze, MED ’64 and Wega G. Firenze

William H. Flanagan,* MC&TD ’51, Hon. ’11

Frederick M. Forbes, CHE ’62

Peter A. Fougere, EEE ’72, EE ’74

Robert H. French, EEE ’65 and Louise French

Michael Frontino, ASE ’67, P’11 and Kathleen M. Frontino, P’11

Edward T. Gallagher, MD ’61

William F. Gilbert,* Jr.,IE ’51

John B. Gray,* Hon. ’04

Jack A. Green

Lois Green

John A. Grimes, MD ’61

Paul A. Guarracino

Martin D. Guyer, MEP ’64, Hon. ’12

Charles C. Halbing, Jr., EE ’66

J. Richard Hero, Jr., MED ’64

H. Lincoln K. Jepson

Todd A. Johnson, AET ’76

Robert A. Kilgore,* BC ’50

Barbara Jane Kirkpatrick

Edward T. Kirkpatrick

Richard L. Knowlton,* BC ’68

David W. Kruger, Hon. ’04

Andrew P. Lanciano, MDS ’82

George L. Larned,* Jr., CHE ’60

Howard V. Levine, AIA, AET ’72, AE ’74, Hon. ’06

Constance L. Lewis

Michael D. Lindemayer

Stuart Locke, EC ’39

G. Raymond Luddy, MDE ’66

Stanley P. MacPhail,* AC ’56

William J. Malinowski

Timothy L. Marsters

Kenneth E. Martin

Eugene A. McCalvey, MDS ’72

John S. McGrath, CHE ’62

Robert W. Meeken, AC ’51

John P. Meloni,* EM ’77, EES ’78


Alfred T. Mietus

Clifford A. Mohwinkel,* Jr., EEE ’61

Edward L. Montesi,* BC ’60

Virginia Morrison*

Harold P. Nelson, IE ’53 and Kathleen A. Nelson

Raymond L. Norbury, Jr.,* MD ’63

G. Kendall Nylin,* AME ’55

David E. Overberg, MED ’63, P’99 and Gail E. Overberg, P’99

Sandra Pascal

Lawrence A. Perkins, EET ’64

Theodore Petczo,* AC ’48

Richard E. Portors, MP ’61

Jennifer J. Powers, EET '93, MEC '98

Michael A. Powers and Nancy Kealey

Richard W. Price, MED ’63 and Carolyn Price

William G. Redfield, AET ’70 and Louise Richard

Michael R. Rocchi, EEE ’68

Paul R. Roncetti, MP '63

Chris A. Samaras, EEE ’60

Douglas D. Schumann, AM ’64, Hon. ’08

Susan E. Schur

Kenneth R. Shaw

Harold F. Shea, Jr., IE ’57

Douglas C. Shepherd, EEE ’60

Ernest E. Siegfriedt,* Jr., PT ’57, Hon. ’02

Edward C. Skerrett, AET ’59

Everett W. Skinner, Jr., CHE ’64

Edward G. Smethurst, EEE ’63

John F. Smith, IE ’58, Hon. ’89

Charles G. Stacey, BC ’66

Edward C. Stickney,* MW&TM ’41

George G. Swain,* Jr., MC&TD ’35

Myles E. Sweeney,* AC ’28 and Eugenia Sweeney,* Hon. ’09

Ella M. Taylor*

Kenneth E. Taylor, S&DE ’58, EEP ’59, P’89

Robert H. Therrien, AET ’68

Arthur T. Thompson,* Hon. ’85 and Virginia D. Thompson*

Phillip L. Tropeano,* S&EMO ’42

John F. Van Domelen, Hon. ’05, P’96

Joseph T. Vercellone, AET ’60

Richard L. Watts,* EEE ’62

David A. Webster

Paul C. Wellington, S&DE ’57

Thomas G. Welles, III, AET '94, ARC '97

Donald B. Wilson,* Hon. ’95

Michael F. Wojcik, MPS ’75

Robert P. Yarmo, BCS ’75

John A. Zukowski,* MW&TM ’51


* Deceased

FOR MORE INFORMATION about how you can become a member of the 1904 Society at Wentworth, please contact:

Crate Herbert | 617-989-5351 |