Masoud Olia

I have been an educator since 1984 when I started teaching my first course (Calculus) at Northeastern University. Since then, I have taught numerous courses at NU, Tufts University, Suffolk University and of course at Wentworth Institute of Technology.
The project I am working on currently, is creating lecture videos on different engineering subjects/topics which is available to my students and posted on YouTube. Please follow the link below if you are interested:
I have also authored three editions of FE (Fundamentals of Engineering) books, which have been published by Barron's Educational series in 1999 and 2008 and 2015.
The latest (third) edition is modified for the new CBT (computer-based-test) format. It covers the "Mechanical" as well as "Other" disciplines. It includes two diagnostic and two full length exams.
These books are used by engineers who are seeking to become registered engineers.
Specialties: Dynamic response in adhesively bonded joints.
Applied Mechanics, System Dynamics and Vibrations
Registered Professional Engineer in State of Massachusetts Mechanical