Mansour Zenouzi

Dr. Zenouzi is a professor of Mechanical Engineering in the School of Engineering at Wentworth Institute of Technology. Zenouzi received his BSME (1976) from Iran University of Science and Technology, MSME (1981) from Tufts University, and Ph.D. from Northeastern University (1990). He is Fellow of ASME, member of ASHRAE, member of Phi Beta Delta International Scholars Honor Society, and licensed mechanical engineer (P.E.).
He taught as an instructor at Northeastern University and as an assistant and associate professor at Youngstown State University before coming to Wentworth in 1998.
He has also served the professional community as Associate Editor of the ASME Journal of Energy Resources Technology, as chair of the ASME Advanced Energy Systems Division (AESD), as chair of two different technical committees (1. System Analysis and Fuel cell, 2. Renewable Energy and Energy Conversion) within the AESD division, as member of the Editorial Board of the Journal of Renewable Bioresources, as reviewer for numerous journals and conference papers, as member of James Harry Potter Thermodynamics Gold Medal Committee, as an ABET program evaluator (PEV) for both ASME and ASHRAE, as Student Branch Advisor of the WIT ASHRAE chapter, as member of ASHRAE Student Activities Committee, as Team Chair and Commissioner for ETAC of ABET and currently serve as an EAC of ABET Commissioner and Team Chair.
He has also served as a General Program Chair or Technical Program Chair of several ASME Energy Sustainability, Power & Energy, and as an Energy Track Chair of IMECE conferences. His research interest and expertise are in the thermodynamics analysis and design of energy systems, cogeneration, renewable energy, and HVAC. Dr. Zenouzi is the Contributing Author of the 12th Ed. (100th anniversary) of the Marks’ Standard Handbook for Mechanical Engineers. He has published and presented more than 100 peer reviewed papers in the journals and technical conferences such as ASME- IMECE, ASME- Power & Energy, Energy Sustainability and European conferences such as IHTC, ECOS and JETC.