Anne-Catrin Schultz

Anne-Catrin Schultz is an architectural historian, writer and teacher with a focus on historic and contemporary tectonics tracing narratives about culture, technology and politics.
Anne-Catrin received her Ph.D. in Architecture History and Theory from the University of Stuttgart, Germany. She teaches Architecture history survey courses, history/theory seminars and research-based design studios.
Anne-Catrin’s research has concentrated on the work of the Italian architect Carlo Scarpa and the role of cultural and material identity. Her book “Time, Space and Material–The Mechanics of Layering in Architecture,” represents a study of spaces and buildings that transcend time through a non-hierarchical approach to the built environment. More recently, the impact of political and social change on the architecture production has become an important topic of Anne-Catrin’s work. Tracing the boundaries between reality and imagination, authenticity and fakery, the book “Close to the Original, Far from Authentic? Explorations of Real and Fake in Architecture” was published by Edition Axel Menges Editions in 2020. Anne-Catrin currently serves as Associate Editor of the journal TAD ( Technology, Architecture + Design.
Research Interests
Anne-Catrin Schultz joined the school of architecture at Wentworth Institute of Technology in 2013. Anne-Catrin received her architecture degree and her Ph.D. from the University of Stuttgart, Germany. During her studies she spent one academic year at the University of Florence and conducted research in Venice, Italy. Following post-doctoral research at MIT, she relocated to the San Francisco Bay Area and practiced with Turnbull Griffin Haesloop (TGH) and Skidmore Owings & Merrill (SOM). She has taught at the University of California in Berkeley, the California College of the Arts (CCA) and the Academy of Arts University in San Francisco. Between 2011 and 2013 Anne-Catrin was the Assistant Director of the School of Architecture of the Academy of Art University contributing not only to the expansion of a newly founded architecture program, but also assisting the build of an online program of its evolving curriculum.