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Faculty & Staff Directory, Architecture & Design

Faculty and Staff
Showing 73 - 84 of 135 results
Wentworth Leopard Icon

Michaelson Joseph

Adjunct Instructor, Architecture, School of Architecture & Design

Wentworth Leopard Icon

Devlin Kenny

Adjunct Instructor, Architecture, School of Architecture & Design

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Ben Kuchler

Adjunct Instructor, Architecture, School of Architecture & Design

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Courtney Lesoon

Adjunct Instructor, School of Architecture & Design

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Eli Logan

Adjunct Instructor, School of Architecture & Design

Wentworth Leopard Icon

Alfonso Lopez

Adjunct Instructor, Architecture, School of Architecture & Design

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Owen Madden

Adjunct Instructor, Architecture, School of Architecture & Design

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Sam Maloney

Adjunct Instructor, Architecture, School of Architecture & Design

Wentworth Leopard Icon

Marilyn Mase

Adjunct Instructor, Interior Design, School of Architecture & Design

Wentworth Leopard Icon

Adam Maserow

Adjunct Instructor, School of Architecture & Design

Wentworth Leopard Icon

William McIlroy

Adjunct Instructor, Architecture, School of Architecture & Design

Wentworth Leopard Icon

Oscar Mertz

Adjunct Instructor, School of Architecture & Design