Policy on Tobacco and Smoke-Free Campus
Policy Category: Executive
Effective Date: 05/31/2023
Responsible Officer: Chief of Police
History: The Student Code of Conduct (Subsection 15)
Responsible Office: Wentworth Institute of Technology Police Department
Location: Link
This policy is intended to help ensure a safe and healthy living, learning, and working environment at Wentworth Institute of Technology (university) by eliminating the health and safety risks associated with tobacco products.
This policy applies to all persons, including all students, faculty, staff, volunteers, contractors, vendors and visitors, anywhere on university property and in university vehicles, buildings and facilities on all campuses, including parking lots, green spaces, and pedestrian walkways.
The use of tobacco or smoking-related products is prohibited in all buildings, grounds, and vehicles owned or leased by Wentworth Institute of Technology, regardless of location.
No tobacco or smoking-related products or paraphernalia shall be used, sold, or distributed as samples in any campus buildings, grounds, or vehicles owned or leased by the university, regardless of location, including vending machines.
Tobacco and smoking-related products
Any type of tobacco or smoking-related products intended to mimic tobacco products or the smoking or vaping of any other substance. This includes, but is not limited to cigarettes, cigars, cigarillos, smokeless tobacco, electronic smoking devices (e-cigarette, e-cigar, e-pipe, e-hookahs) pipes, vaping pens, bidis, hookahs, chewing tobacco and snuff. This does not include cessation tools such as nicotine gum or patches.
All university land, roadways, parking lots and other parking structures, athletic and recreational facilities, or any other outdoor area controlled by the university; as well as the interior of any vehicle located anywhere on the property of the university.
University Vehicle
Any vehicle that is owned, leased, or rented and used for transportation for university business and includes the driver and all passengers.
It is the responsibility of all members of the community to comply with this policy, and it is expected that both smokers and nonsmokers will cooperate in the implementation of the policy in an atmosphere of mutual respect and consideration.
All members of the university community are encouraged, if comfortable, to promote compliance with this policy by reminding students, faculty, staff, volunteers, contractors, vendors and visitors of the prohibition of use of tobacco and smoking-related products at Wentworth Institute of Technology, as necessary.
- This policy does not apply to any cessation product specifically approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration for use in treating nicotine or tobacco dependence.
- The use of smoking products may be permitted with prior approval by the university for research, educational, clinical, or religious ceremonial purposes.
Violations of this policy may be grounds for referral for university disciplinary action.
- Faculty and staff in violation of this policy may be reported to the individual’s supervisor, if known, or Human Resources.
- Students in violation of this policy may be reported to the Dean of Students.
- Contractors/Vendors in violation may be reported to Wentworth Police Department.
- Violations by visitors may be reported to the office hosting the visitor, if known.
Additional Information & Related Documents
- Massachusetts Department of Public Health
- U.S Department of Health and Human Services
- American Lung Association
Interpretation & Revision
Any questions of interpretation regarding this policy shall be referred to the Wentworth Police Department. They will be the final authority regarding the interpretation of this policy.
This policy shall be reviewed every three (3) years, however minor changes and updates can be made at any time.
Wentworth will typically apply the policy in place at the time it receives a report concerning the respected policy.
Additionally, in instances where two or more policies are implicated, a case-by-case determination will be made to determine what policy will be used.
Review and Revision History
This policy was drafted by Representatives from the Wentworth Police Department, Dean of Students Office, and Human Resources. It was reviewed by Cabinet and approved by the President on May 31, 2023 and updated on 7/31/2024.
This is a new university policy, but replaces other existing guidance documents regarding this issue.