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Policy on Sales, Solicitation, and Posting

Policy Category and Number: Student Affairs

Effective Date: 05/31/2023

Responsible Officer: Dean of Students and Director of Human Resources


Responsible Office: Student Affairs

Location: Link


The purpose of this policy is to provide information about Wentworth Institute of Technology’s (university) prohibition on sales and the solicitation of materials on university premises to avoid disruption of business operations. It also provides guidance related to posting on campus.


This policy applies to all students, employees, vendors, visitors, and volunteers affiliated with this policy.




Wentworth Institute of Technology’s policy on sales and solicitation is intended to avoid disruption of university operations, and help ensure the safety and privacy of faculty, staff, visitors, and students.


  1. Business Day: Any day, Monday through Friday, in which normal business operations are conducted. For the purposes of this policy, the business day does not include designated break times.
  2. Materials: Handbills, flyers, posters, pamphlets, petitions in paper or electronic formats, or similar items.
  3. Sales: Marketing or otherwise selling, purchasing or offering goods and services for sale or purchase, distributing advertising materials, circulars or product samples, or engaging in conduct relating to a business interest or for-profit, personal, or professional economic benefit on university property or using university resources.
  4. Solicitation: Refers to canvassing, soliciting or seeking to obtain membership in or support for any organization, requesting contributions, and posting or distributing materials (as defined below) on university property or using university resources including, but not limited to, bulletin boards, postings, postcards, chalking, leaflets, computers, mail, e-mail and telecommunications systems, photocopiers, fax, telephone lists and network systems (including the intranet), and databases, supplies or other workplace equipment. This does not include academic initiatives approved by the IRB.
  5. University Resources and Materials: Includes but not limited to university email, university social medial account and university equipment and materials, including, but not limited to the Makerspace, Tech Sandbox, Labs, etc.
  6. Work area: Areas of the university in which regular university activity takes place including but not limited to offices, classrooms, lecture halls, libraries, student, staff and faculty dining areas, etc.



  1. Sales are not permitted on university property or in university buildings and facilities or using university resources or systems without the express written permission of designated university officials.
    1. Sales within the residence halls are prohibited. Any exceptions must receive approval from Housing and Residential Education
    2. Sales involving athletics or athletic facilities must receive approval from the Athletic Department
    3. Sales inside the Makerspace must receive approval from the Executive Director of Accelerate.
    4. All other sales taking place on campus must receive approval from the Office of the General Counsel.
  2. Gambling, lotteries, pools, and raffles (unless university sponsored) and commercial or retail sales (including but not limited to the renting of houses, or the sale of event tickets), are prohibited on university property and through university resources.
  3. Door-to-door sales are prohibited.
  4. Residential rooms/suites/apartments are not permitted to be sublet or rented through services such as Airbnb.
  5. Sales that relate to the promotion or consumption of alcoholic beverages, tobacco products, or products or services that are contrary to the policies and mission of the university are strictly prohibited.
  6. Employees are prohibited from engaging in sales during the business day.
  7. Use of the university email system to conduct sales is prohibited.
  8. Excessive use of university resources and materials in a way which prohibits others from accessing resources and materials is prohibited. This includes, but is not limited to, accessing resources and materials in the Makerspace which prohibits other students from utilizing that space and/or materials.
  9. Students or student organizations are prohibited from serving as the agent or representative of any off-campus agency for the purpose of selling or promoting the sale of goods or services on the Wentworth campus unless the Director of Student Engagement gives advance approval.
  10. Vendors approved for vending privileges to the university community may, at the discretion of designated university officials, be permitted to sell their products at restricted locations on campus for limited number of days per year, provided that they register with the appropriate university officials and pay the assigned fee.
  11. Student organizations seeking to engage in any type of sale must abide by all university policies and procedures, as well as any additional requirements set forth in the Student Organization Manual


  1. Solicitations on university property or in university buildings and facilities or using university resources or materials without the express written permission of designated university officials are prohibited. Students should contact the Dean of Student’s Office. Employees should contact Employee Relations and Engagement.
  2. Distribution of advertising materials, handbills, or other literature, as well as university resources and materials is prohibited in all working areas unless otherwise approved.
  3. Solicitation by an employee of another employee or university community member during the business day is strictly prohibited.
  4. Charitable organizations must be sponsored by a recognized student organization or employee and obtain advanced approval from designated university officials. This includes fund drives.
  5. Student organizations seeking to engage in any type of solicitation must abide by all university policies and procedures, as well as any additional requirements set forth in the Student Organization Manual.


  1. All student postings must be approved by the Director of Student Engagement, the Director of Diversity & Inclusion Initiatives & Engagement, or other authorized designee. Student postings must be done in accordance with University Guidelines.
  2. All other postings must be in accordance with established university communication guidelines


  1. The policy does not apply to protected union activities.
  2. This policy does not apply to normal business contacts by authorized vendors.


Students or student organizations who violate this policy or related requirements in the Student Organization Manual will be referred to the Dean of Students, or designee.

Employees who violate this policy will be referred to Human Resources and will be subject to discipline, up to and including termination of employment

Additional Information & Related Documents

Interpretation & Revision

Any questions of interpretation regarding this policy shall be referred to the Dean of Students for student-related matters and the Director of Human Resources for employee-related matters. They will be the final authority regarding the interpretation of this policy.

This policy shall be reviewed every 3 years, however minor changes and updates can be made at any time.

Wentworth will typically apply the policy in place at the time it receives a report concerning the respected policy.

Additionally, in instances where two or more policies are implicated, a case-by-case determination will be made to determine what policy will be used.

Review & Revision History

This policy was drafted by representatives from the Dean of Students Office, Human Resources, and Academics. It was reviewed by Cabinet and approved by the President on May 31, 2023.

This policy replaces the No Leafletting and No Chalking Policy, 2017 and No Posting and No Solicitation Policy, 2017; and updates the Student Code of Conduct.

This policy was updated on 8/27/2024.