Wentworth Institute of Technology and Land Acknowledgment
Wentworth Land Acknowledgement Statement
To recognize the land is an expression of gratitude and appreciation to those whose territory you reside on, and a way of honoring the Indigenous people who have been living and working on the land from time immemorial. It is important to understand the long-standing history that has brought you to reside on the land, and to seek to understand your place within that history. Land acknowledgements do not exist in a past tense, or historical context: colonialism is a current ongoing process, and we need to build our mindfulness of our present participation.
We would like to acknowledge that the land we are meeting on today is the original homeland of the Pawtucket people and the Mashpee Wampanoag, Aquinnah Wampanoag, Nipmuc, and Massachusett tribal nations. We acknowledge the painful history of genocide and forced removal from this territory, and we honor and respect the many diverse Indigenous peoples still connected to this land on which we gather.

What is Land Acknowledgment?
Indigenous Land Acknowledgement is the recognition of the Indigenous past, present, and future of a particular location. Being self-aware of your relationship to a particular place and understanding the historical circumstances that have formed your unique relationship to that place is all a part of the reflective process of Land Acknowledgement. This is a handy resource to begin learning more about the land you live on.
Land Acknowledgement is usually a written and or a verbal statement however, words mean nothing if not backed by action. Indigenous Land Acknowledgement must be active. The donation of resources, the volunteering of labor, and providing educational opportunities to those who need them are active forms of Land Acknowledgment.
Acknowledge the history of the land you live on. Cultivate a better relationship with the Indigenous communities that reside there and be an active participant in educating others. These are all ways to practice active Indigenous Land Acknowledgment.

Why is Land Acknowledgment Important?
Land acknowledgement is important because it affords us the opportunity to grapple with the complicated past of our country and acknowledge the journey that we have culturally embarked on to reach this point in time. Wentworth Institute of Technology is committed to making Indigenous Land Acknowledgement a common practice on our campus as we continue to become a more culturally rich, inclusive and safe environment for everyone who wishes to be here.
Wentworth Institute of Technology is committed to supporting our Indigenous students, faculty and staff. We are committed to giving our community the tools they need to succeed and influence the world around them. We commit to learn, we commit to work, we commit to change.

Take Action! Get Involved!
Action is the most direct way to impact the world around us and create the changes we desire to see. You can find some additional resources to get involved here and better educate yourself, your family, and friends here. Wentworth will continue to learn and continue to grow. We applaud everyone who does not stand idle and appreciate your efforts to make our community, our country and the world a better place.
For more information and resources about the land that Wentworth is situated on, the history of the place and its people, please see the Douglas D. Schumann Library and Learning Commons Native American Heritage Month Research Guide.