ASEE NE 2022 Keynote Speaker: What Would You do if You Weren’t Afraid?
When the Lean-In author and Chief Operating Officer of Meta Platforms (formerly known as Facebook), Sheryl Sandberg, posed the question “What would you do if you weren’t afraid?”, her target audience was women, including women prone to struggling with the archaic theory of a woman’s place being at home, in the kitchen, rather than in an office. Yet, the reality is that fear is not limited to women and workplace issues. Fear does not discriminate. Fear is a real challenge to people across genders and ages, regardless of ethnicity, and throughout various religious sectors. And fear exists over a gamut of contexts including those fighting for political change, environmental action, and trying to succeed in the engineering classroom.
For this talk, Dr. Bosman will leverage her prior experiences working for a federally recognized tribal college (College of Menominee Nation; Keshena, WI) and her current experiences working for a research-intensive university (Purdue University; West Lafayette, IN) to provide thought-provoking discussion on how fear may be preventing our engineering students from reaching their full potential. The talk will provide useful and transformative strategies for engineering educators to level the playing field and promote IDEA (inclusivity, diversity, equity, and access) within the engineering classroom.

Lisa Bosman, PhD in Industrial Engineering, is a tenure track assistant professor at Purdue University. Prior to joining Purdue, she spent about a decade working for a federally recognized tribal college (College of Menominee Nation) where she built up and directed the pre-engineering program. Dr. Bosman's desire to increase STEM (science, technology, engineering, mathematics) education accessibility and attainment has resulted in her founding of the Purdue University iAGREE Labs ( Her education research interests include the entrepreneurial mindset, interdisciplinary education, broadening participation in STEM, and faculty professional development. Dr. Bosman co-authored the recent texts, Teaching the Entrepreneurial Mindset to Engineers (2018) and Teaching the Entrepreneurial Mindset Across the Curriculum – An Integrative Approach (2021); and has authored over 60 publications in international and national journals and conferences. As a Principal Investigator (PI), she has obtained over $2M in education research funding from agencies including the National Science Foundation, Environmental Protection Agency, National Aeronautics and Space Administration, and Agency for International Development. Dr. Bosman has been an invited speaker and workshop facilitator for numerous national and international education-related engagements. She serves as a division officer for the American Society for Engineering Education (Industrial Engineering Division) and engineering councilor for the Council on Undergraduate Research.