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Get Inclusive Educational Modules

What are the Educational Modules?

Vector Solutions is an online prevention and compliance training course that first year students must take in order to attend Wentworth. The course educates around Identities and Inclusion, Sexual Assault Prevention, and Alcohol and Other Drugs. Students will need to complete all three sections to complete this requirement. 

Identity and Inclusion- By understanding the impact of actions, learners will build motivation to intervene in situations of bias. By the end of this module, learners will have a deeper understanding of social identities, as well as concepts like implicit bias, stereotypes, and microaggressions. Students will learn how to play a role in creating a safe and inclusive environment for our friends, peers, and classmates 

Sexual Assault Prevention- This section helps build academic communities of engaged bystanders who can identify harmful situations, and have the motivation and skills needed to intervene. With a focus on self-reflection and concept application, it weaves bystander engagement and intervention into the training.

Alcohol and Other Drugs- This section seeks to increase help-seeking and active bystander behaviors by increasing student knowledge and confidence when it comes to understanding risk factors, identifying risky behaviors, exploring their personal motivations for making good choices, and learning how to stick to boundaries that better choices.


Completion of all three sections in the training module is required. 


The course access will be available on June 1st (you will receive access to the course via Slate and shortly after will also receive a link to access the course in your Wentworth email inbox)

The course must be completed in its entirety by September 1st.

Other Important Information:

  • You will need Internet access and audio capabilities.
  • To avoid technical issues, please use any major web browser released within the previous two years.
  • You may take the course in multiple sittings.
  • The course may include surveys to help personalize your experience and measure students’ attitudes and behaviors. All survey responses are confidential; the school will only receive information about the student body as a whole and will never see individual students’ answers.

Information for Transfer Students

All transfer students are required to complete the educational modules.

If you already completed a similar course at your previous Institution, you do not need to retake it. However, it is your responsibility to obtain a record of your completion and share it with 

Important note: Even if you already completed a course at your former institution, you will still be receiving follow-up information to obtain information specific to Wentworth's policy and procedures. 

If you have other questions about the Vector educational modules, please contact

Frequently Asked Questions