Foundational Wellness: Identity

Identity is a foundation of wellness as it is important to recognize that we bring our entire self into every interaction and environment that we encounter. Our affiliations, social roles, beliefs, values, and characteristics provide us with a sense of continuity and a framework for how we experience the world and how others experience us.
Sexual Identity
How an individual thinks of themselves in terms of who they are romantically or sexually attracted to.
Gender Identity
An individual's personal sense and conception of their gender. They can have an internal sense of being male, female, both, or neither. This exists on a spectrum.
Cultural Identity
The identity of belonging to a group. This is related to nationality, ethnicity, religion, social class, generation, locality, or any social group that has its own distinct culture.
Diversity and Inclusion
Having representation and ensuring that everyone has equal opportunity to contribute and have influence.
Spirituality and Religion
An experience with a higher power or finding strength within oneself. It is the work to understand meaning and obtain a set standard of values and morals for oneself.
Hobbies, activities, and experiences that we identify with which create a part of our personality.
An individual’s identified ability status and how that impacts their experience in the world.
Social standing or class of an individual or group. It is often measured as a combination of education, income, and occupation.