Foundational Wellness: Brain

The topic of the brain is one that can be seen through many different lenses. It can be in reference to the anatomical structure, mental health, work efficiency, etc. Regardless of the approach, our brain is at the epicenter of how we view and experience the world both within ourselves and outside of ourselves. As a foundational element of wellness, how we utilize all of the foundations of wellness directly impacts our brain. Conversely, how we take care of our brain directly impacts how we experience the other foundations of wellness.
Work-Life Balance
The harmony between one’s occupation and their life away from work.
Study Skills
Methods and techniques that can be acquired or taught that aid in effective learning.
Time Management
The process of planning and organizing the amount of time that you will spend on specific activities.
Stress Management
A range of strategies and techniques utilized to help one deal with stress and adversity in their life.
Learning & Growth
Learning is the acquisition of knowledge through a course of study or exposure to information through experience. Growth is simply a process of change.
Mindfulness Education
The idea of being fully present, aware of where we are and what we are feeling in the moment that it is occurring.
Mental Health
According to the World Health Organization (WHO), mental health is “a state of well-being in which the individual realizes his or her own abilities, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully, and is able to make a contribution to his or her community.”
The ability of a person to overcome challenges or difficulties.
An adverse experience or experiences that change the way that the brain functions. These experiences are usually deeply destressing or disturbing in nature.
Organizational Skills
Techniques that allow one to be both efficient and effective in their work or life.
Brain Anatomy (Functions) And You: 101
Having a basic understanding of the different aspects of the brain allows for a greater understanding of how the brain learns, grows, experiences trauma, reacts to stressors, and experiences joy.
Coping Skills
Help one manage, tolerate, and minimize stressors and conflict that is both interpersonal and intrapersonal.