CARE Referrals

If this is an emergency (immediate threat of harm to self or others), call Public Safety at 617-989-4444 immediately.
Submit a CARE Referral
A member of the Wentworth community who is concerned about a student’s well-being may share their concerns by submitting a CARE referral. CARE referrals are reviewed during normal business hours by members of the CARE Team. Based on the information received, the CARE Team will determine the best plan for outreach. If more information is needed, a member of the staff may contact you directly for more information.

Referral Guidelines
Due to the large amount of time that faculty and staff spend with students, often they are able to identify when a student is struggling or engaging in worrisome behaviors. Other students can sense when their friend, classmate, or peer may need some support.
In order for us to best support our students, it is important that the university is made aware of this information so appropriate resources and services can be offered.
The CARE report is NOT for use in an emergency. If you witness a situation or have information that the threatens the safety of a student or another individual, call Public Safety immediately at 617-989-4444.
Reasons to submit a CARE Referral
- A student experiencing mood changes
- A significant change in a student’s academic performance
- A major change in the student’s life (financial status, living arrangements, illness/injury, death of a loved one)
- A student not caring for their own personal hygiene
- A significant change in a student’s behavior (for example, a student who was previously very engaged is now quite isolated from peers)
- A student writing concerning language in an essay or email
- Demonstrates behaviors that are disruptive to the well-being and success of others
- Excessive absence from class with no response to your outreach or a response from the student that includes concerning information
- A student has shared with you concerning information about another student
Please consider the following when writing the CARE referral
A CARE referral should include specific information regarding your concern or the behavior causing your concern. Anonymous reports are accepted. If provided, your name may be used in some instances as the originator of the concern. Also, due to privacy mandates, you may not be privy to the outcome of any action taken.
- Provide facts: name of the student, date, time, and location of the interaction (if applicable), and provide the names of any witnesses.
- Be as precise as possible in your summary, recording every useful detail, including quotes if you can remember them.
- Keep your report clear of vagueness. Instead of writing “the student was disruptive,” explain the student’s exact behaviors.
- If the report summarizes multiple interactions, please provide those details in sequence.
- Please indicate if you have made any attempt to communicate with the student previously about your concern.
- Be mindful of the influence of bias (a misinformed perception based on an individual’s identity) when constructing the report
Additional CARE Team Resources
For more quick facts and information about filing a CARE referral, view the resource folder (pdf). The purpose of this resource folder is to help faculty and staff recognize symptoms of a student or colleague in distress and identify appropriate referrals to campus and community resources.
Who is on the team?
The Care Team consists of a multidisciplinary group of Wentworth administrators from the following functional areas:
- Dean of Students
- Health and Wellness
- Campus Police
- Institutional Equity
- Athletics
- Success Studio
- Student Conduct & Restorative Practices
- Employee Relations & Engagement
- Housing & Residential Education
The team is chaired by Jenn Kosses, Dean of Students.