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Academic Support and Tutoring

Appointment Tutoring

Schedule one-on-one appointments throughout the Spring 2025 semester at EAB Navigate by clicking on "Schedule Appointment" then selecting "Academic Support-Tutoring". Tutoring will commence on the first day of classes, January 7th.

Students are allowed to schedule up to 1 hour of tutoring per course per day. Appointments are available from 9 am to 8 pm Monday through Friday, with the exception of university holidays. Students can schedule an in-person appointment in Beatty 302 or an online appointment. For online appointments, students will receive an email confirmation with a Zoom link after they schedule the appointment.

If you do not see a course or skill you would like tutoring for listed in EAB Navigate, let us know by submitting a help request form. We will always try to find a tutor for any course on campus, if possible.

If you have questions or need help accessing tutoring, contact for assistance or visit the front desk of Beatty 301.


Drop-in Group Review Sessions

*No drop-in tutoring sessions will run from Saturday, March 1st through Friday, March 7th due to the university's spring break. Sessions on Saturday, March 8th and Sunday, March 9th will be remote-only on Zoom.

Drop-in group review sessions are available for select courses in the Spring 2025 semester, following the schedule listed below.

No appointment is necessary; you can stop by anytime during a session.

If you have questions about group review session tutoring, contact or visit the front desk of Beatty 301.


Architectural Media Review Session

Courses: ARCH 1700 Architectural Media

Tuesdays3-5 pmCrit Room B
Thursdays3-5 pmBeatty 303
SaturdaysNoon - 1 pmCrit Room B and Zoom
SundaysNoon - 1 pmCrit Room B and Zoom


Calculus 1A/1B Review Session

Courses: MATH 1776 Calculus 1A, MATH 1777 Calculus 1B

TuesdaysNoon - 1 pmBeatty 402A
Wednesdays5-6 pmBeatty 402A


Calculus 2A/2B Review Session

Courses: MATH 1876 Calculus 2A, MATH 1877 Calculus 2B

Mondays5-6 pmBeatty 402A
ThursdaysNoon - 1 pmBeatty 402A
Thursdays4-5 pmDobbs 306


College Physics I Review Session

Courses: PHYS 1000 College Physics I

Wednesdays5-6 pmBeatty 302


Computer Science I and II Review Session

Courses: COMP 1000 Computer Science I, COMP 1050 Computer Science II

Tuesdays5-6 pmBeatty 302
Thursdays Noon - 1 pmBeatty 303


Computer Science Facilitated Study Group with Prof. Joshua Gyllinsky

Courses: COMP 1000 Computer Science I, COMP 1050 Computer Science II, COMP 1200 Computer Organization

Mondays12:45-2:45 pmCEIS 324

*Note: Prof. Gyllinsky may move to CEIS 300 at times with high attendance. 


Differential Equations Review Session

Courses: MATH 2500 Differential Equations

TuesdaysNoon - 1 pmBeatty 303
Wednesdays2 pm - 3 pmBeatty 303


Foundations of Calculus Review Session

Courses: MATH 1525 Foundations of Calculus

Tuesdays5-6 pmBeatty 303


Engineering Physics I Review Session

Courses: PHYS 1250 Engineering Physics I

Tuesdays5-6 pmBeatty 402A


Engineering Physics II Review Session

Courses: PHYS 1750 Engineering Physics II

Mondays5-6 pmBeatty 302


Math Facilitated Study Group with Prof. Fariba Khoshnasib-Zeinabad

Courses: any math course

Mondays2 - 3 pmBeatty 303
Fridays2 - 3 pmBeatty 303


Structures 01 Review Session

Courses: ARCH 3400 Structures 01

Tuesdays4 - 5 pmBeatty 303
Fridays10 - 11 amBeatty 303