Gautham Das PhD

Feb 2019-Present Editor in Chief, Boston Society of Civil Engineers Practice Journal, Boston, MA
Jan 2015-Present Associate Professor, Wentworth Institute of Technology, Boston, MA
Jan 2015-Dec 2017 Treasurer, American Federation of Teachers, Wentworth Chapter Local 2403, Boston, MA
Aug 2008-Jan 2015 Assistant Professor, Wentworth Institute of Technology, Boston, MA
Jan 2008- June 2008 Senior Environmental Engineer, Parsons Corporation, Boston, MA
Mar2006-Sept 2007 Staff Professional, S& ME Inc, Charlotte, NC
Jan 2004-Mar 2006 Research Associate Engineer, Global Institute of Energy and Environmental Systems, Charlotte, NC
Jan 2002-Jan 2004 Research/Teaching Assistant, University of North Carolina at Charlotte, Charlotte, NC
Jan 2000-Oct 2001 Associate Engineer, Srinivasa Construction, Bangalore, India
Dr. Gautham P. Das is currently the Founder and Chief Scientific Officer/President of DASMORE Solutions, LLC and is the Vice-President of Albadas, Inc. He is as Associate Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering at Wentworth Institute of Technology (WIT) in Boston. Dr. Das received a doctorate from the University of North Carolina at Charlotte. Dr. Das is currently an Elder Endowed Professor at WIT.
Dr. Das worked for environmental consulting firms in North Carolina and Boston. His expertise lies in Environmental Remediation, Water Resources, and Hydraulic Engineering. He is the Editor-In Chief for the BSCES practice journal. He is an author of more than 50 publications.
Research Interests
•Douglas Elder Endowed Professorship, Wentworth Institute of Technology, 2018- Present
•Frank Sagan Endowed Professorship, Wentworth Institute of Technology, 2015-2018
•Chi Epsilon Honor Society, UNC-Charlotte, 2007
•Recipient of the Graduate Student Assistantship Award UNC- Charlotte from 2002-2005
•Das, G.P. (2019) “Hemp Water Filter” U.S. Provisional Pat. Provisional Application No. 62/772,307.
•Das, G.P. (2015) “Hydraulic Engineering: Fundamental Concepts” 1st Edition, Momentum Press.
•Das, G.P. (2016) “Hydrology and Storm Sewer design” 1st Edition, Momentum Press
Book Chapters
•Daniels, J.L. and Das, G.P. (2014) “Practical Leaching and Sorption Considerations for Ash Management” Geo-Characterization Challenges of Coal Combustion Residuals, pp. 362-376.
•Daniels, J.L. and Das, G.P. (2008) “Field scale characterization of coal combustion fly ash stabilized with lime and FGD gypsum” GeoCongress 2008, Geotechnical Special Publication Number 177, pp. 684-691. ASCE, Reston, VA.
Sample Journal Publication
•Das, G.P. and Alibrandi., (2021) “Determining Distribution Coefficients for Low-Cost Adsorbents” Journal of Remediation, Vol 32, No. 1,
•Das, G.P. and Alborz, N., (2020) “Using Calcium Stearate for Fly Ash Stabilization” Journal of Boston Society of Civil Engineers, Winter 2020, Vol 28, Issue 1, ISSN 0886-9685.
•Das, G.P. and Charest, A., (2020) “Evaluating the Efficiency of Low-Cost Filtration” New England Water Environment Association Journal, Vol 54, No 1, ISSN 1077-3002.
•Das, G.P., Mendes C.F and Kuran, G., (2019) “Using Plastic Bags in Roadways” International Journal of Environmental Science and Development, Vol 10, No 12, pp 456.
•Daniels, J.L. and Das, G.P., (2018) “Influence of Flow Rate on Leachability” Coal Combustion and Gasification Products Journal, Vol 10, pp 34-30.
Sample Peer Reviewed Conferences
•Das, G. P. and Alborz, N., (2020) “Polymerized Roadways Around the World: A Review” International Conference on Sustainable Urban Transport and Environment, April 23rd-24th, Boston, MA.
•Das, G.P., Mendes C.F and Kuran., G (2019) “Plastic Bags in Roadways” 10th International Conference on Environmental Engineering and Applications (ICEEA), June 26-28th, Prague, Czech Republic.
•Das, G., Hajar, J., Kamat, A., and Drussell, C., (2018) “Determining the Drag Coefficient of a 3D Printed Canoe in a Hydraulic Flume” American Society of Engineering Education
P.E: Professional Engineer
ENV-SP: Envision Sustainability Professional