Office of the General Counsel
The Office of the General Counsel provides legal counsel, guidance, risk management strategies, and policy analysis to the University.

Information & Resources

Policy Directory
The Policy Directory includes both university and department policies. However, it is not inclusive list, and you are encouraged to contact the Office of General Counsel or individual departments regarding additional existing policies.

International Employees
Wentworth Institute of Technology welcomes international faculty, staff, and visiting scholars from around the world who enrich our community. The Office of the General Counsel (OGC) supports these scholars and their hiring or host departments by assisting with immigration-related matters and providing information to help scholars and their families settle into Wentworth and the surrounding community.

Bylaws include:
- Bylaws Approved by the Board of Trustees
- Committee Mission Documents
- Faculty Senate Bylaws
- Staff Council Bylaws

Wentworth’s Contract Approval Policy requires that “All Wentworth Institute of Technology contracts need to be reviewed by the General Counsel’s office or the Director of Compliance and Risk Management and must be signed by an authorized signatory of the Institute, as prescribed by this policy.”
Additional Resources & Publications
Legal resources and publications available to the Wentworth community.
Contact Us
Lynn McCormick
General Counsel
Office: Williston Hall - 201A
Phone: 617-989-5349
Brian Burns
Director of Compliance and Risk Management
Office: Williston Hall - 201A
Phone: 617-989-4413
Beth Devonshire
Associate General Counsel
Office: Williston Hall - 201A
Phone: 617-989-4186