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Wentworth Celebrates Latine, Latinx, and Hispanic History 2022!

Wentworth recognizes the success of the Institute wouldn’t be possible without its talented faculty and staff of diverse cultures and identities. As we shine a light on the history, heritage, and contributions of the Hispanic and Latinx/Latine community, we are excited to feature a few of our faculty and staff who bring a wealth of expertise, insight, and experience to Wentworth. This month we happily celebrate Ignacio Cardona, Johanna Sena, and Dominique Peralta!


Celebrating Our Beautiful Community: Johanna Sena, Ignacio Cardona, and Dominique Peralta!


What is your name?

Johanna Sena

What is your title?

Director of Community & Government Relations

What courses do you teach OR what is your role here at Wentworth?

Support the institute’s permitting needs by building relationships with government and community representatives, managing city and state compliance obligations, mitigating the institute’s impacts in the community, promoting Wentworth’s positive contributions, and leveraging Wentworth’s benefits in a way that is mutually beneficial to the institute and the surrounding community.

Briefly share what led you to the work you do now and why you believe it is important. (e.g. interests, research, or experiences)

I spent 14 years working in the public sector serving Boston residents. In that time, I learned how people's quality of life are affected from small matters like a broken streetlight to the impacts of major development. It was very gratifying work and I wanted to continue that journey in some form.

 After working with all the institutions from Fenway to Mission Hill, I decided to pursue an opportunity at Wentworth. The level of community engagement at this institution spoke to my passion for helping people and providing life-transforming opportunities. Wentworth is not an institute that presides over the community it inhabits, rather it sees itself as part of the neighborhood fabric, working collaboratively with the community, and that makes it a unique place. 

What is something exciting currently happening in either your professional or personal life?

I have a child starting her second year in college and another starting her first year of Pre-K. It is very exciting to see both embarking on new experiences!

What is one piece of advice you have for our aspiring Hispanic, Latinx/Latine students OR students in general at Wentworth?

You belong! Don't let imposter syndrome make you doubt yourself. Latinos have a smart work ethic that has been passed down to us by our families, and that makes us very valuable in the workplace. 

Feel free to express anything else you'd like to share. (recent publications, awards or achievements, personal or communal accolades)

Negotiated community support for approval of the new Athletics Complex on Parker Street!

Johanna Sena


What is your name?

Ignacio Cardona

What is your title?

Doctor of Design

What courses do you teach OR what is your role here at Wentworth?

Professor in the Urbanism Concentration of the School of Architecture and Design at Wentworth Institute of Technology.

Briefly share what led you to the work you do now and why you believe it is important. (e.g. interests, research, or experiences)

I am the Academic Chair of the “Latin American Program for Mayors on Urban Design and Democracy’” hosted by the National Endowment for Democracy. The Program promotes democratic values such as equity and solidarity working with local governments of Argentina, Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, Mexico, and Peru.

What is something exciting currently happening in either your professional or personal life?

I am currently a Board Member of the Somerville Community Corporation to diversity access to affordable housing in this city.

What is one piece of advice you have for our aspiring Hispanic, Latinx/Latine students OR students in general at Wentworth?

Latin community members must work hard. We must demonstrate how valuable is immigration.

Feel free to express anything else you'd like to share. (recent publications, awards or achievements, personal or communal accolades)

I recently finished a doctoral dissertation “Spatial Opportunities for Self-Produced Environments” at Harvard Graduate School of Design.

 Ignacio Cardona


What is your name?

Dominique Peralta

What is your title?

Community Director

What courses do you teach OR what is your role here at Wentworth?

I am the Community Director of 525 Huntington Ave, Vancouver, and Louis Prang. I oversee the community and make sure the residents have what they need to flourish in their new homes!

What is something exciting currently happening in either your professional or personal life?

I was accepted at Boston University and will be starting my master's there next fall!

What is one piece of advice you have for our aspiring Hispanic, Latinx/Latine students OR students in general at Wentworth?

Don't let anyone tell you that you can't do something. You know your value, weaknesses, and strengths better than anyone else.

Dominique Peralta