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Xotchil Martínez, Adjunct Faculty, School of Sciences and Humanities
Xotchil Martínez
I am most proud of being the first in my family to graduate from college and graduate school. Education has always been the way that I am able to challenge myself, as well as gain ample opportunities studying abroad.

What courses do you teach?

I teach English Language Skills (ENGL0900).

What led you to the work you do now?

I first became interested in science fiction during my first year of graduate school. By reading and analyzing fundamental works of science fiction, I was able to radically challenge my understanding of the world and to gain a deeper grasp of different possible futures. As a result, I decided to continue exploring the genre and write my final dissertation on the topic of cyborgs in Ex Machina and Bladerunner 2049, which led to me into the subjects of my interests, such as Afrofuturism, Chicanafuturism, and Technofeminism. Inspired by my research, I wanted to help other students expand their understanding of the world through the lens of science fiction.

What are you most proud of?

I am most proud of being the first in my family to graduate from college and graduate school. Education has always been the way that I am able to challenge myself, as well as gain ample opportunities studying abroad. I was fortunate enough to study Italian and was given the opportunity to study the language after being awarded a language grant from my department in college. Similarly, I was nominated by my university’s Italian department to intern in Milan, Italy for about eight months. The skills and knowledge I learned from education were instrumental in helping me succeed in my position as an educator.

Describe one thing that you are working on or is happening in your classroom that you are excited about.

The attentiveness and curiosity of my students bring me joy. It is always exciting to hear their profound thoughts and their creative approaches to the concepts they encounter for the first time. The classroom is a dynamic environment, which cultivates meaningful conversations between me and my students. After all, it is the congregation of ideas that fosters innovation.

What is one interesting fact about you?

One interesting fact about me is that I have a deep love for traveling. Before the pandemic, I visited the Czech Republic, Germany, France, the UK, and Italy among others. My love for traveling stems from my desire to experience new things and to see things for myself. I love the idea of being lost in a big crowd and looking at an artifact that is hundreds of years old.

Share a quote that guides what you do personally or professionally.

“There's a point, around the age of twenty, when you have to choose whether to be like everybody else the rest of your life, or to make a virtue of your peculiarities.” ― Ursula K. Le Guin, The Dispossessed. This is an important quote as many people now have this idea of how life should turn out, but do not conform to what society has dictated to be right. Instead, create your own place in society.

What's one piece of advice you have for Latinx students at Wentworth?

One piece of advice that I have for Latinx students is to always remember your roots. I strongly believe that our backgrounds provide us with a wealth of knowledge that is important to share with others. Especially in these times, it is important for a diverse number of voices to inform decisions. While it is common to be influenced and to change your beliefs, I do believe it is always equally important to understand your beginnings and to understand how they influence you. In addition, I believe it's important to understand how those influences can be utilized to help build a foundation of equality by having a voice that is heard and not drowned out by others.

Share any recent publications and other accomplishments.

Last spring, I successfully submitted my graduate dissertation on science fiction based on the intersection of both race and gender neutralizing the cyborg from a progressive future.

I also successfully completed the requirements for TEFL and received my Teaching English as a Foreign Language certification. However, my goal is to publish my dissertation in an academic science fiction journal.